Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 [60fps+]

2021-10-22 18:25
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1.3 GiB
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Here a example about the interpolation quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJoORSku27k

File list

  • Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 [60fps+]
    • Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 [60fps+].mp4 (1.3 GiB)
    • [SubsPlease] Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 (1080p) [75117D8F]_Subtitles01.ass (24.5 KiB)
    • [SubsPlease] Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 (1080p) [75117D8F]_Subtitles02.ass (23.5 KiB)
    • [SubsPlease] Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 (1080p) [75117D8F]_Subtitles03.ass (22.4 KiB)
    • [SubsPlease] Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 (1080p) [75117D8F]_Subtitles04.ass (23.7 KiB)
    • [SubsPlease] Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. - 01 (1080p) [75117D8F]_Subtitles05.ass (22.7 KiB)

Ikr why not 144fps like everybody else?

not to bash on your work but… what is the point of forced 60fps? when the anime is 24fps or something like that

TottoBennington , the point is that some imbeciles think that making an anime look like a video game cut scene is somehow good.

morzr (uploader)


If you born with good eyes probably you cannot understand the problems in watch videos for a long time generate pain in people with problems in their eyes.
Increase the framerate reduce that strain over the eyes.

The interpolation not is perfect (and probably never will to be), just enjoy if you like it.

@Bazooka and others
What is the objective in comment that in all videos made to 60fps?

@morzr shut up trash. hopefully people like you get banned.

If you born with good eyes probably you cannot understand the problems in watch videos for a long time generate pain in people with problems in their eyes.
Increase the framerate reduce that strain over the eyes.

Trash(yes that is your name now), so according to you the people in the studio must be blind because they do not make anime at 60fps. Everyone in Hollywood must also be blind because nobody made movies at 60 fps. There is a reason why everything is made at 23.976 fps. Go educate first and then come back and reflect upon the fuckery you did.

We should have a separate platform for this kind of clown shit so that we can avoid brain damage…

@vikrant9760 @seth001

bruh fkin chill wtf is wrong with this community that they think its fine to act like this… If you don’t like it just fkin do not download… Having too much free shit is causing some of you to act really weird fsr wew

The problem, Trickster, is that OP is full of shit. Increasing FPS has nothing to do with “eye strain”.

If he simply said “I just like the way it looks better” then I would respect that. But these nutjobs gotta come up with some justification, and they end up talking out their ass.

morzr (uploader)


@vikrant9760 @MaxWilder

The most original and great comment.

Some more for add?

impressively garbage

I have a grip hold of your nuts

My eyes hurt less. Plz increase the framerate on next ones sempai.

me always problems with anime not being smooth enough that my eyeball big pain. this fix my


based. healthy eyeball chads win again

eyelets absolutely seething itt

More frames means more processing of them on my eye which requires more effort, so actually more frames = more strain

Do 1fps release to help my eyes plz

I can’t believe you guys made me do research on this topic… At the end, I found many conflicting opinions and barely anything more scientific, but few things are for sure:

  1. Looking at something with higher frame rate is healthier. The best would be to aim for refresh rate of 90+ Hz
  2. If you don’t spend many hours everyday watching anime for many years, then it’s unlikely for you to see any effects of it.
  3. Refresh rate is the smallest of the worries here. More important would be how long you look at the screen and if you take breaks from it.
  4. People around here are unable to communicate like people when they have different opinion than someone else. You’re actually even worse than Komi-san.
    “Sometimes it’s better to stay quiet and pretend to be an idiot than say something and leave no more doubts”

The conclusion - Frame rate in anime is just a matter of preference, unless you already have troubles with your eyes. If so then I can’t say for sure, but higher frame rate anime might help a little, but I don’t think it matters if you don’t spend hours watching anime in one go. I guess it will never hurt to have this in higher FPS available. Just in case, but people here won’t care anyway, so it would be better if commenting were blocked under this.Since haters gonna hate even if it’s unrelated to them.

btw. I would never want to watch anime with artificially increased frame rate. I could give it a try only if it was originally made that way, but I think it would work only for some special genres, like racing (Initial D had some strange CGI at some points anyway). Watching a comedy in higher frame rate might actually make it look worse for me.But this is just my personal opinion, who knows, maybe 10-20 years from now anime will use higher frame rate as a standard without care for what we want. Nowadays, what gives money is more important than what people want more than ever…

I dunno, I guess it’s neat, but that youtube video looked like it was underwater or a Rugrats title screen or something

O my god this is so funny xDDDDDDD , we need more of this on this site haha. 22 comments in 2 days WOW

These comments are proof again that people who make comments on anime torrenting sites are exactly the kind of people who shouldnt be allowed to leave comments on anime torrenting sites

144 fps anyone? feel like im wasting my monitor if its just 60

Based. Yea, ppl can bash you so hard on the things they don’t like.

It’s ok to post these kind of stuff, you can’t make everyone happy. So ignore the haters and be free on what you post.

and then you have this kind of breed

3000 fps release where

Tested this against a regular 24 FPS release. For starters it’s not even true 60 FPS, the file’s Properties within MPC-HC say it’s still ~24 FPS. It is thus interpolated 60 FPS, which introduces some really weird artifacts/warpings that are pretty noticeable and which are not present in the 24 FPS release. TL;DR: it’s garbage, avoid!


I appreciate the time and resources you spent in doing this but why not just interpolate it at 60? why go beyond that?
if you wanna go beyond 60, might as well do it 120 / 144 ro even 360

what is 60fps+ even mean lmao

For anybody that ACTUALLY enjoys 60fps anime even with the minor issues it comes with, you can always download SVP4. Video frame-interpolation, and works on all media not just anime.