@Septmb Episode 0 is Episode 0. It’s basically just a special that only exists to give a send off to Jigen’s original voice actor whom is retiring. It was made with the artstyle of Part V and it will be only next week that we’re going to get the episode that is actually called “Episode 1” which will be the first one that has the new style for Part 6, the new Jigen voice actor and will start the actual storyline of the part.
@czar Oh wow that’s sweet, I’m excited for Episode 0 now thanks for the info! A shame Kiyoshi Kobayashi is retiring since he’s been with us from the beginning but I’m glad he’s getting a proper sendoff at least.
Do I need to watch all parts with Lupin or can I start wherever I want? I only watched Lupin on TV as a kid and remember jackshit anyway.
you probably can start here but this season does have 2 characters from part 5 so you may need to watch it. also part 5 is insanely good and likely to be better than part 6 anyway.
Anyone planning to watch this should probably watch Part 5 since couple of characters are from part 5. Plus as someone said above, part 5 is the best part in my book. I hope part 6 lives up to it.
Comments - 20
thank you very much sir !
Thanks a lot
Will you do BDrip of this, whenever BD comes out?
yeah but the chance of the BDs being uploaded is pretty low since this isn’t some isekai harem LN garbage
Guess I’ll wait for the bd releases to watch this, then.
sometimes i forget just what a fucking chad Jigen is, god bless
I’m a tad confused, is Episode 0 technically Episode 1 or how does that work?
@Septmb Episode 0 is Episode 0. It’s basically just a special that only exists to give a send off to Jigen’s original voice actor whom is retiring. It was made with the artstyle of Part V and it will be only next week that we’re going to get the episode that is actually called “Episode 1” which will be the first one that has the new style for Part 6, the new Jigen voice actor and will start the actual storyline of the part.
@czar Oh wow that’s sweet, I’m excited for Episode 0 now thanks for the info! A shame Kiyoshi Kobayashi is retiring since he’s been with us from the beginning but I’m glad he’s getting a proper sendoff at least.
The animation style is similar to Part V but not exactly the same. Neither is it the Part 6 style.
Shigatsu volume 2 soon?
no, it takes a bit longer than other shows
Do I need to watch all parts with Lupin or can I start wherever I want? I only watched Lupin on TV as a kid and remember jackshit anyway.
Guess I’ll wait and pray someone uploads the bds
you probably can start here but this season does have 2 characters from part 5 so you may need to watch it. also part 5 is insanely good and likely to be better than part 6 anyway.
pretty sure subs for lupin have always used fujicakes. at least i can’t remember the last time they didn’t. here’s the official english twitter for the anime studio using it repeatedly.
Anyone planning to watch this should probably watch Part 5 since couple of characters are from part 5. Plus as someone said above, part 5 is the best part in my book. I hope part 6 lives up to it.
Didn’t realize it was up!
thanks, will watch both part 5 and 6 then.
Watch part 4 - 6