### If you found any issues,
### Please leave a comment in my latest release
### I will fix it.
### Recommended video player : MPV a free, open source, and cross-platform media player
#### Linux | Official : https://mpv.io/
#### MacOS : [iina](https://github.com/iina/iina)
#### Windows :
>#### [mpv.net](https://github.com/stax76/mpv.net)
>#### [MPV lazy](https://github.com/hooke007/MPV_lazy)
#### Android : [mpv-android](https://github.com/mpv-android/mpv-android)
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### Reply to *【golgoth-13】's feedback* in https://nyaa.si/view/1428561
``` I must say I would have download a lot more of your releases if you dared to trim out the black borders, like for Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop, because they are good alternatives for a reasonable size.
Metropolis for instance is the closest thing to the infamous Afro’s release in term of image quality and with a superior audio. But because of the 4 black bars around, the video doesn’t take advantage of the full screen.
In Miyazaki Collection, this problem is less obvious with 21 rows of black pixels on top and bottom. It will only be noticed if displayed on a larger monitor than 16/9. They are unusual but they do exist. Same here encode is very satisfying compared to much larger files, so THANK YOU.
### Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Miyazaki Collection, Metropolis , are film scan, full of film grain.
>#### If crop them to smaller size, for example 1040x1880, there are no monitor in this resolution,
>#### then video player software will resize it to full screen, some video player's default resize algorithm could mess the image quality,
>#### Especially film graining vids.
## For film scan graining source, I will crop it only if it can be perfectly croped from 1080x1920 (16:9) to 1080x1440 (4:3) .
## For example:
>#### 1080x1444 (actual image size) in 1080x1920 (BluRay disk video size) = no crop,
>#### 1080x1436 = crop in to 1080x1440, 2 rows of black pixels on left and right.
>#### 1060x1440 = crop in to 1080x1440, 5 rows of black pixels on top and button.
>#### 1060x1436 = crop in to 1080x1440, 5 rows of black pixels on top and button, 2 rows of black pixels on left and right.
### BTW, if you want largest image in you display anyway, just zoom it in your video player
#### Only TVs will be croped, movies will not be croped anyway
Comments - 2