[Tenrai-Sensei | Saint-Subs] Shaman King (2021) - S01E22 - i'll Go Anywhere With You [Web][1080p][AVC x264]

2021-09-09 14:37
File size:
427.6 MiB
Info hash:


Video was taken from KRP. Collaborated with Saint-subs he does the weekly translation. I made karaoke for op/ed and minor styling, ts etc. Enjoy xD
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File list

  • Shaman King (2021) - S01E22 - I'll Go Anywhere With You.mkv (427.6 MiB)

Netflix subs or original subs? That’s my only question.

Tenrai_Sensei (uploader)


@Marche these are Netflix subs. When Netflix releases we might make minor edits here and there but nothing drastic. When they don’t Saint uses the manga to translate around 90% of it. We are trying to stay as faithful and accurate as possible

Most of the subs look grand but some fixes would be appreciated - like Chocolove being referred to as “Joco” instead at 06:34.

Either way, thank you <3 Much appreciated!

In addition to “Joco”, you also forgot to replace “Mana” with “Furyoku” this time. Also, is it just me or is the ED karaoke font not displaying correctly?

Oy, mate, do you take request?
I needed Kimi wa kanata subtitles

Tenrai_Sensei (uploader)


@Venara You’re welcome and i will keep it in mind @Zhou my bad next time ahh ill have to cross check i think maybe missing a font i could have sworn i included it. @bakibaki2202 i dont and im not a translator it seems it was not pick up by anyone official subs at this point are probably fan translated

Thanks. One question: why the random lines that are on top of the scree, and not below?

Tenrai_Sensei (uploader)


@DmonHiro You’re welcome and Netflix had them like that I’m assuming cause it didn’t want to obstruction characters faces in certain scenes. I changed a few of them but i be more considerate of changing them in the future



04:22 “Ultra Senji Ryakketsu” this is definitely not how you’ve been writing the name of the book previously
04:44 same as above
sidenote: I’m kind of sad they apparently did all this training off-screen and we didn’t get to see it. Maybe they’ll flash back to it later.
06:34 “Joco!” someone already mentioned this above, but I’m noting it in case the timestamp helps
07:32 “So you can put it that away.” -> "So you can put that away."
08:31 “Spirit Allies” Is this another case of forgetting to swap the terms used? This sounds odd to me.
09:18 “Ultra Senji Ryakketsu” another one
10:04 “Spirit Ally” another one
10:15 “Spirit Ally” again
13:48 "Mana"
17:21 "Spirit Ally"
17:38 "Joco"
19:24 "Spirit Ally"
21:55 “Ultra Senji Ryakketsu”

Seconding the top-lines being annoying. I take a lot of screenshots when I watch, and the “screenshot saved to…” bit appears at the top, so it kept covering subs for a second.
