Dub: JPN
Sub(Sup): FRE ENG
My Github Centaurea-Raws
For Reseed: (reseed only, other nonsenses no thanks!)
Comments - 8
Thank you very much, you will not have part 5 beforehand thank you very much
THANK YOU !! Much sought after !!! We didn’t have a proper raw release for season 4 before. Exactly what Lupin aficionados were expecting.
Downloading immediately so it will go next to your releases of season one ( + and the batch of 2001-2010 TV specials (
If it happens you do season two, probably it would make a lot of people happy. ^^
We have LowPower Raws release for season 5, and it is already very good. For my part we need more an alternative for season 2 instead of what already exist. Probably 720p + FLAC would be enough. (like it would have been for this one also ?)
@golgoth-13 you’re right season 2 and 3 would be great to have by centaurea-raws
gryphonheart (uploader)
@golgoth-13 @CHESTERMAKI
155+50 episodes, no plans for season 2 and 3.
Thank you so much, i love the art style of this part.
Oooh come on, it is not like you had to sync the subtitles - we will manage with this. ^^
And you could rest a complete year after that, no problem. We don’t want you to get burnt out by the job. xD
Anyway, thank you very much for S4. It was needed.
Right. It is such an improvement over the 2001-2010 TV specials. Hence digital can’t be held responsible for poor visuals and native high definition is not necessary to make something look gorgeous and dynamic.
From what I’ve seen with a very quick look, there can be some banding in some dark areas with gradient. I can’t compare with original BD or BDMV, therefore I don’t know if it is something that was initially there as it is or if it something that has been filtered from the source. Still it is very light, miles away from being atrocious (like Basilisk BD if you see what I mean).
It seems satisfying for the less. If you’re a Lupin fan and you haven’t downloaded this yet, then you’re not a Lupin fan.