**I've compiled chapters into volumes, added cover where necessary and removed credit pages, except 1 per volume. Scanlation by** _CAT, Golden Roze Scans_ **and** _#dropout_**. Enjoy.**
_Shiori was once a guitarist in a light music club in high school but her first live performance was dashed when her brother ran away from home with a lot of debt, to become a musician in Tokyo. A decade later, Shiori is now a high school teacher, leading a boring, uneventful life and paying off the debt... till she runs into the ghost of none other than famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix._
_The story of a 27-year-old woman on her way to becoming a music legend begins here._

@ 0v3r
is there any chance of you doing a re-seed of Maiko-san chi no Makanai-san ... the two uploads you had done a while back are both pretty much dead (1 seed on the oldest, 2 seeds on the v11 torrent) ...
I can pretty well imagine that since there is an anime for it that more people might be interested in the manga for it, I know I am
LOL @ BakaTheThird ... yeah, they are similar to commonly used style of art from way back in the 1960's ... I remember those years (I was a teenager starting in 1967) ... other album art for some groups was also very "trippy" looking, especially album art done by Rodney Matthews, and Roger Dean
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