Thanks again for sharing so many great Chinese animation with us <3
When you're not too busy, can GM-Team also consider uploading the following?
1. 武庚纪 第4季 “Wu Geng Ji IV”
2. 少年歌行 风花雪月篇 “Great Journey of Teenagers Feng Hua Xue Yue”
3. 残次品 放逐星空 “The Defective” (with Chinese subtitles)
Wu Geng Ji's always been my favorite from 玄机科技 Sparkkey Studio's portfolio (>人<)(>人<)(>人<)(>人<)(>人<)
武庚纪 第4季
I think it is boring, so I am not interested in following up
少年歌行 风花雪月篇
This season, the production level has obviously declined, so I don’t plan to follow up.
残次品 放逐星空
This one has English subtitles, it is recommended to download it directly
Oh my god, please don't stop here, can you please share Wu Geng Ji with us?
I'm begging you!!!!!! That's my favoritest animation from China!
You already shared the first 114 episodes with us, I really want to continue watching this series.
Great Journey of Teenagers S1:https://nyaa.si/view/1150374
From the uploader/fansubber Hall_of_C.
西行纪 Xi Xing Ji - Farewell Wu Kong (movie): https://nyaa.si/view/1361625
武庚纪 Wu Geng Ji - Season 4 (up till episode 6): https://nyaa.si/view/1422809
Me too, me too!
I really like 萧瑟 Xiao Se and 少年歌行 Shao Nian Ge Xing.
Thank you, thank you! Thank you for sharing the link for Wu Geng Ji 武庚纪 <3
I'm hoping GM-team would reconsider 少年歌行 风花雪月篇 “Great Journey of Teenagers Feng Hua Xue Yue” as well. (>人<)(>人<)(>人<)
Let's try asking them again another time,
Comments - 9
GuoManTeam (uploader)