**魔法纪录 魔法少女小圆外传 第二季 觉醒前夜 / Magia Record S2 / マギアレコード 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ外伝 2nd SEASON -覚醒前夜-**
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压制:見崎かすみ@LoliHouse with 老黄@NVIDIA
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繁体版 v1 误用了检查前的字幕,故修正。
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Windows: [MPC-BE][1]
macOS: [IINA][2]
iOS: [nPlayer][3]
Android: [MX Player][4]
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**人人为我,我为人人,为了各位观众能快速下载,请使用 uTorrent / qBittorrent 等正规 BT 软件下载,并保持开机上传,谢谢~**
**All for one, one for all. Please download file(s) with a regular BT client such as uTorrent / qBittorrent / etc. and keep its / their uploading status so that other audience can download it / them rapidly.**
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[0]: https://i.loli.net/2021/08/01/wyTfKzhY7DgXVMR.jpg
[1]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpcbe/
[2]: https://lhc70000.github.io/iina/
[3]: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nplayer-lite/id1078835991?mt=8
[4]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad
[5]: https://share.dmhy.org/topics/view/478666_LoliHouse_LoliHouse_1st_Anniversary_Announcement_and_Gift.html
[6]: https://share.dmhy.org/topics/view/534469_LoliHouse_LoliHouse_3rd_Anniversary_Announcement.html
> 4K Please
@Confetto We are developing a new neutral network for 4k upscaling. And we are going to use CR sources for 4k version. Please wait for the Fin collection.
Comments - 2
LoliHouse (uploader)