Video: [Moozzi2] US BD encode, light filtering
e.g. light edge sharpening, no contrast/saturation/etc changes
Audio: [Moozzi2] US BD encode, JP FLAC 2.0
see: https://nyaa.si/view/1412823
- I multiplexed in the separated BD SUP (PGS) subs and I removed the English dub because Moozzi2 did not include the corresponding Signs and Songs BD SUP subtitles.
- added episode titles in the title property of each file
- added Chapters for the episodes
Note that the NC OP/ED includes a sub track, but is off by default
I also noticed that the BD episodes are a couple minutes longer (~27 min) than a standard TV episode (23 min), so I don't know if the BD adds extra content over the TV version
Please seed! Nothing loads within a few minutes of waiting for the files to show up in the preview window. I've tried multiple times and still have issues.
make sure your client has DHT and peer exchange enabled. Make sure you have something like UPnP enabled on your router or explicitly setup port forwarding between your router and your client PC.
Also, I do not suggest using a torrent client or feature that tries to stream (playback the video) while downloading. Just wait and let the whole thing finish downloading
BTW npz. Is it possible if you could provide your timed Godannar Sub files?
I want to test and see if it's timed on Moozzi2. Since the JPSDR was based on the JPN BD's.
Comments - 8
npz (uploader)
npz (uploader)
npz (uploader)