@vikrant9760 , you seem to be complaining about any and almost every post on this site that is not to your liking . You just don't get what this site is all about !! If people only want a particular product they can get it (usually) directly from the uploaders own site . nyaa.si is like a supermarket where different brands and packaged sizes vary so that individuals can choose which ever they prefer . Just because something doesn't suit YOU that should NOT be the cause of any criticism !! If someone doesn't like a product on a supermarket shelf a normal person would ignore it and walk on with out saying anything !! The same should be done here .
@vikrant9760 damm boy, who hurt you? And also, you're the cancer here not EMBER nor people who can't afford Hard Drives. If you're gonna fucking complain about trivial shit like this, why don't you go buy all the Hard Drives for everyone since you're so rich. Pathetic people like you don't deserve to watch Anime at all. What a fucking shit attitude you got there man.
Noobs talk shit all you want but you're just peasants. Anyone who watches minis doesn't even deserve to watch anime.
>I have 4 and 5 tb hdds and prefer mostly mini encodes
Goes to show you're still a miser and a peasant. Whats the use of watching anime if you don't watch it in best quality possible? Absolutely no use at all. Just gross.
Comments - 11