MK’s release is the best for S2 and I don’t think I can improve upon it.
MK is working on a dual audio release for S3 and if the video they end up using is inferior, I’ll make a mux. Good Japanese audio only releases already exist.
For S4, GHS’s release is the best and I can’t improve upon it in any way other than making a dual audio mux. For that, I’m waiting for MK (as they modify signs only subs to match the dub audio). If the video they end up using is inferior, I’ll make a mux
We don’t talk about S5
I’m currently working on the OVAs
Comments - 6
@Datte13…will you do other seasons too?
Dattebayo_13 (uploader)
@Datte13…waiting for the OVA’s and thanks for this one
Thanks a lot! Any chance of getting good release for the rest of the seasons?