Pinky Punky is a manga about a sexy female detective written by Monkey Punch. Comeback! Watson(Gyakuten! Watson) is a one-shot manga included in the volume of Pinky Punky, also written by Monkey Punch. Pinky Punky is my favorite Monkey Punch manga which was unfortunately cut short when the magazine it was being serialized in shut down.
Pinky Punky was animated in episodes 7-9 of Monkey Punch: Manga Katsudou Daishashin (Mankatsu).
Translation notes:
Chapter 2:
Tanabata is a Japanese holiday on July 7th where people hang slips of paper with wishes written on them on bamboo.
Chapter 6:
The character's name is a reference to Boy George.
Comeback! Watson:
Contains some offensive language. The views expressed by individual characters do not reflect the views of Monkey Punch, Oranges_Love, or any other characters.
Other notes:
Mangadex still doesn't have uploads. I'll upload these there when possible.
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