Audio Track 1 (Default): Japanese 2.0 FLAC
Audio Track 2: English 2.0 AAC
Subtitle Track 1 (Default): English Dialogue [GHS] (.ASS)
Subtitle Track 2: English Signs & Songs (.ASS)
I used the Gao release for Subtitles and English Audio.
Video and Japanese Audio are from Uccus.
A comparison for the different releases can be found Here (Thank you Kaori_Miyazono for making that)
Comments - 4
Why? That (mistimed) comp literally evidences the fact that Gao > UCCUSS.
Mizz141 (uploader)
Comp 1/8, Blood is washed out in the Gao release, less in UCCUSS
Comp 7/8, Leaves in the BG are washed out in the Gao release, again less with the UCCUSS.
Comp 7/8, The lines on the bag aren’t as sharp as with UCCUSS.
Comp 8/8, The hand looks even more jagged in the Gao release than UCCUSS.
Thus UCCUSS > Gao
can you do one for the ova as well please? I love your release!