Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters is the final episodes of Dragon Ball Z Kai. Except the footage looked utterly terrible. It’s Toei’s answer to Funimation’s “Orange Bricks” release. It’s cropped, sharpened, and tinted green. What a waste of a perfectly good idea.
This is the entire first episode of TFC synced to the SoM Dragon Box Merge.
I painstakingly synced, frame-by-frame, the Dragon Box Merge to fit the exact frames of the TFC Blu-Ray release. This means any of your fanmade re-scores will sync perfectly, and that the included audio is perfectly synced to the TFC BD. The only difference is the far superior picture quality on this release, and a better OP/ED. (More below.)
I plan to do the entirety of “The Final Chapters,” but it will take plenty of time. It’s a big undertaking, but I am committed to the project. I am personally very proud of this episode, alone, and I think the final result will be far better than the official release.
Torrent Info:
I made a few creative differences, however:
I have replaced the TFC OP/ED with Kai2014’s, on the English and Japanese tracks of Kai:TFC. This includes the OP/ED’s video scenes. This does not throw off the sync of the episode.
Included Diccolo-420’s “Faulconer/American OST Edition” rescore on Track 3, for fans of the Faulconer Productions score.
The OP/ED of Kai: The Final Chapters at release is pretty bad. “Fight It Out” has been replaced with “Kuu Zen Zetsu Go!” and “Never Give Up” has been replaced with “Dear Zarathustra.” These are the Kai2014 OP/ED of the first segment, respectively. I made this creative choice due to the input of others, and due to my own personal opinion. However, track 3 of the episode contains the original OP/ED audio during the appropriate times. The video, however, is still sourced from Kai2014’s Creditless BD.
Diccolo-420’s “Faulconer/American OST Edition” from Kanzenshuu forums, from my perspective, would be quintessential to include in this project. Different people have their opinions on the Faulconer (Smith/Morgan/Dobos) score, but I find that it’s superior over Sumitomo’s score. For those who enjoy it, you can listen to the Faulconer productions score on Track 3. I did not edit this score, it was done entirely by Diccolo-420. Please give all appropriate credit to him. I just muxed his audio-track into the episode.
Media | Source | Credit |
Video | [SoM] Dragon Ball Z R1+R2J Dragon Box Merge | JySzE/Romao |
Video #2 | Dragon Ball: Kai 2014 | Toei |
Audio #1 | Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters BD | Funi/Toei |
Audio #2 | Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters BD | Funi/Toei |
Audio #3 | Dragon Ball Z Kai: Faulconer/American OST Edition | Diccolo-420 |
Subtitles #1 | Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters BD | Ploffy |
Subtitles #2 | Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters BD (Titles/Songs Only) | Nemu |
"Why use the Dragon Boxes?"
The 30th Anniversary BD is a horrible release. Nobody should be forced to watch that. The Dragon Box merge done by JySzE/Romao is the best PQ for Dragon Ball Z. It’s the only complete release that I would ever watch.
"Where’s Faulconer?"
Audio track 3.
"Where’s Yamamoto?"
Yamamoto got fired before Kai was even done airing, so he didn’t compose anything for TFC. There are fan-projects that attempt to make his music work with TFC. If one is finished, I will gladly include it.
"Where’s Kikuchi?"
A Kikuchi rescore for TFC has not been completed. If one eventually gets completed, I will gladly include it.
Yes, or they’ll be bigger.
"Why the black bars? Is this 4:3?"
I pillarboxed the episode, which means the 16:9 footage would take up the entire screen. The only 16:9 footage in this episode is the OP/ED and the eyecatchers. The recap, NEP, and episode content are all UNCROPPED 4:3. This means that everything is uncropped.
“How long until more episodes?”
No time-frame will be given. This could take a very long time.
"Why is there aliasing?"
MPC has a poor upscaler, try using MPV with spline36.
"The subtitles don’t look right!"
Make sure you’re using MPV, or MPC with VSFilter. You can find VSFilter here. While other players or configurations may work, different players handle blur and sizing differently and so your results may look different than those presented in the example.
I hope you enjoy this episode, along with the promise of a future complete release. Please consider seeding to allow more people to obtain this episode.
This project could not be done without the following people. Their contributions and support to the project is endlessly appreciated, and it simply couldn’t be accomplished without the resources and ideas provided. I give a public “thank you” to the following:
JySzE - Encoding advice, pillarbox/Avisynth lessons, originally did the DBZ Merge
Romao - Originally did the DBZ Merge
iKaos - Resource-gathering, general support
Ploffy - Providing the DB + DBZ episode titles and timings for the Kai recap at the beginning of the episode, subtitle assistance.
Nemu - Translating Kai2014’s OP/ED for the subtitles, resource-gathering.
Baaro - Original source of the synced Kai2014 subtitles.
Diccolo-420 - Synced the Faulconer Productions score to the entirety of Dragon Ball Z Kai
ColdFusion - Fixed TFC audio for the English tracks, which will be used in future episodes when applicable.
DonCanjas - FLAC audio assistance
Comments - 32
Its beautiful
Based 2.0
Based x2
Another based torrent ?
Why would you ruin the Sumitomo Audio Track by replacing Fight It Out by the shit Kuu-Zen Zetsu Go? Now I have to switch the stupid Faulconer track to get Fight It Out. Sumitomo is the original music and is great so he should keep the better opening.
Nah I didn’t give her any lossless source files or merge scripts to encode from she just took the already encoded files and encoded them again. I’m working on a revised version of the merge to fix small issues and didn’t want to give her stuff that was out of date already.
When im done working on that with Romao I will give her lossess files she needs so she doesnt encode an encode.
Since this was just a test run its a cool just proof of concept for the time being.
She not including the audio in flac was a muxing error, she was meant to make them flac from the start.
Good stuff @JySzE, excited to see the final product. :-D
I presume you will be doing all 67 episodes of TFC. If so, when you get to the episode with the Cell re-enactment scene, will you include both the original Team Four Star audio and the revised Z audio tracks?
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
@Damned Any extra audio tracks from the BD will be on this, so yes.
The Team Four Star Cell Fight re-enactment audio wasn’t on the Blu-rays though. It was only part of the TV broadcast of Kai TFC, so you would have to track down a TV rip of that episode. The revised Z audio track is on the US Blu-ray though.
What an amazing project! Will pal sources like the French Kai dub sync?
I wonder if this project will be continued. This is what I really wished for even though I liked Kai Buu Saga’s colors.
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
I’ll find it don’t worry
I have no idea. But thank you for the compliment. I’ve never seen the French BDs.
I have every intention to keep this project going, but I won’t release each episode individually. This was moreso a teaser for the entire series. (Which will come at an unspecified date.)
Also the TFC colors are horrendously inaccurate. The Dragon Box colors aren’t accurate, but they’re better, in my opinion
Gracias por compartir… ojalá sigas con el proyecto… y quien sabes si hace los mismo para los primeros 98 episodios para que tengan una misma esencia jeje
This looks like a cool project and a lot of work? Would love to have a 4:3 Buu Kai version in my collection!
I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but how long do you think this project will take?
Really would love to re-watch KAI TFC in 4:3
Hey, this is pretty neat. I love when a new archival type of Dragon Ball project gets started.
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
Thanks! There is no time estimation, as the FAQ notes. Any time-estimation I say will not be lived up to. And then people will go “wtf, why no upload, you said today.” Therefore, I would hate to disappoint anyone. Instead, just know that it will happen. But, I cannot promise when.
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
Hi, I will gladly do all of TFC. But it will take time. Thank you for interest in the project!
One more question if you don’t mind. Are you editing the episodes to be exactly like the Japanese version of Kai TFC or the international version? I know you said you were using the JP OP and ED and are doing every episode, but I believe there were still a few differences in how the JP and US version footage was edited in certain episodes (Not 100% sure though.)
Also, I noticed you said the NEP was 4:3. Will you include the Kai TFC animation of Goku flying away from the screen before the NEP plays, as well as include the NEP for Dragon Ball Super episode 1 on the final episode?
Basically, I’m wondering if you are trying to make an exact 1:1 replica of the Japanese Blu-ray version of Kai TFC, but with the SoM Dragon Box footage.
Judging by the first episode it goes by Kai TFC - at least seems the same cut as my ColdFusion version.
TFC added 8 filler episodes back in, but not just added, mixed with canon as far as I remember.
Some filler were mediocre, but some filler were good, so going with TFC is a good choice I think.
btw way, one thing I wonder @Ghosty6464:
Why do you go with 16:9 adding black border to the 4:3 content and not black border to the 16:9 content?
No complaint, just curious.
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
International is more episodes, and I like it better that way. So It’s gonna be TFC.
The animation of Goku flying away is in this episode, if you do watch it, you’ll see it. It’s frame-accurate to the original BD.
This is international TFC, with the merge footage. However it is structured on the BD, will be structured here.
Yep, TFC.
What I did is called “pillarboxing” and adding borders to 16:9 would be called “letterboxing.” Letterboxing is fairly unpopular, and what I was going to originally do. After consulting my associates and getting general opinions, we decided that keeping both footage un-zoomed and un-cropped was the best way for visual accuracy and a better watching experience. It looks really “ick” to watch the 16:9 OP and ED all “zoomed out.”
Ghosty6464 : well, the French release is with pal video.
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
I have no idea if PAL is the same timing, never used PAL for anything. I hope it works out, but I cannot guarantee your audio working with my content.
@sangofe: french are with pal speed up, so it can’t sync (at least for 99-108 around, later, the speed is correct
@jcraw: TFC was made before the japanese version, so technicaly, TFC don’t add 8eps, it’s the japanese version that have cut footage
Denada brother… si estoy muy interesado… disculpa por responder tarde… por cierto, porque episodio vas xD… Suerte cuídate y bendiciones.
Is this project still alive?
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
Yes, it just takes time
@Ghosty6464 I’m really excited regarding this project!! It really shows your love, passion and devotion to the series!! I can’t even begin to express my gratitude!! I appreciate it soooo much!!! Thank you for taking on this lovely project! I have some questions if you don’t mind of course :
Ghosty6464 (uploader)
I forgot to read this lol.
CC will be used. I can easily replace the video source in the project files. It takes literally 2 seconds.
I don’t know anything about Kai 1.0 being done by anyone. I haven’t ruled out considering a dbox sync for it after I sync TFC, but I also have other things to do.
I’m adding the Faulconer rescore because I muxed the Faulconer rescore in my Kai encode on my harddrive. Therefore, the entirety of “Kai” at least has one consistent music score. (Even if I don’t actually listen to it, and prefer Yamamoto for Kai.)
But I’ll include whatever mandatory BD audio tracks, and then Faulconer’s rescore by Diccolo-420 as an additional. If another score that is similar quality arises for the entire series, I might include it, but I’m likely cutting it off with that score. I don’t want to open Pandora’s box of including every other rescore by fans. Faulconer itself goes against the principle of Kai, but it’s an optional audio track regardless. As for subs, we all generally just believe Simmons subs are the best. If something comes up, I’ll pick whatever is the most accurate to the audio.
Thank you for your interest in the project, it is still happening, other things have come up.