If Fukulock was real, he probably wouldn’t have been happy with how long it took us to get this out.
RAW Source: Gargadon (TV Aichi)
Translation: NeSubs
Timing: Olivo28
Translation Check & Editing: pocketlink
Typesetting: Lumpstud
Encoding: Gargadon
Quality Control: pocketlink, Lumpstud
Hi everyone! Thank you for being patient while we translate this. Our group is still small and it’s the end of the semester for me, so progress will be a little slower for the next few weeks until I’m done with school stuff for the time being. You also may have noticed we’re uploading this from a new Nyaa account. Due to my fuckup-ery an unforeseen circumstance, we had to create a new Nyaa and Twitter account. I know that’s pretty annoying and I apologize, but we tried everything we could to recover our original accounts, but our efforts proved unsuccessful. So, if you followed our original Twitter for updates, please follow the new one. It’s under the same username (@NovaWorksFansub) and everything.
Would you guys be open to a Discord? I know a lot of sub groups have one and I personally don’t think we’re big enough yet to warrant our own, but if there’s overwhelming demand for one, we could definitely make that happen. Please let us know!
Yadda yadda please apply to join our group we’re desperate for members yadda yadda okay thanks. マジカイフォー!
Comments - 3
keep them coming :)
thank you!!