Wow, I have got some very EGG-CITING news, it looks like AnimeLab just accidentially dropped the first dubbed episode of Wonder Egg Priority out of no where, Man AnimeLab are awesome. First the new episode of Dr Stone (a week before the drop) and now Wonder Egg (no doubt hours before the drop on FUNimaton since Wonder Egg is today anyway) This is quite the surprise so enjoy everyone Episode 1 of Wonder Egg Priority is in 1080p AnimeLab rip.
Comments - 6
based animelab
PrinceOtaku (uploader)
@notdedsec - Not sure what you mean by that one there, buddy.
PrinceOtaku (uploader)
FUNimation just made an official announcement saying that Episode 1 and 2 of this dub will debut on FUNimation tomorrow! As this is just a sneak peek since it was early, please look at Golumpa for the remainder of the season FUNimation rips.
thanks bro!
Nice Bro!