[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E11 - 011 - Look, Overly Sticky Sweet Dumplings Are Not Real Dumplings, You Idiot!.mkv (213.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E12 - 012 - People Who Make Good First Impressions Usually Suck.mkv (181.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E13 - 013 - If You're Going to Cosplay, Go All Out.mkv (189.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E14 - 014 - Boys Have a Weird Ritual That Makes Them Think They Turn into Men When They Touch a Frog + You Only Gotta Wash Under Your Armpits—Just the Armpits.mkv (180.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E16 - 016 - If You Stop and Think About It, Your Life's a Lot Longer as an Old Guy Than a Kid! Whoa, Scary!.mkv (181.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E17 - 017 - Sons Only Take After Their Fathers' Negative Attributes.mkv (203.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E18 - 018 - Oh, Yeah! Our Crib Is Number One!.mkv (206.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E19 - 019 - Why Is the Sea So Salty! Because You City Folk Pee Whenever You Go Swimming!.mkv (197.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E20 - 020 - Watch Out for Conveyor Belts!.mkv (176.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E21 - 021 - If You're a Man, Try the Swordfish! + If You Go to Sleep with the Fan On You'll Get a Stomachache, So Be Careful.mkv (210.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E22 - 022 - Marriage Is Prolonging an Illusion for Your Whole Life.mkv (187.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E23 - 023 - When You're in a Fix, Keep on Laughing, Laughing….mkv (192.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E25 - 025 - A Shared Soup Pot Is a Microcosm of Life.mkv (198.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E26 - 026 - Don't Be Shy—Just Raise Your Hand and Say It.mkv (209.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E27 - 027 - Some Things Can't Be Cut with a Sword.mkv (202.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E28 - 028 - Good Things Never Come in Twos (But Bad Things Do).mkv (205.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E29 - 029 - Don't Panic—There's a Return Policy! + I Told You to Pay Attention to the News!.mkv (194.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E30 - 030 - Even Teen Idols Act Like You Guys.mkv (179.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E31 - 031 - You Always Remember the Things that Matter the Least.mkv (185.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E32 - 032 - Life Moves on Like a Conveyor Belt.mkv (199.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E33 - 033 - Mistaking Someone's Name Is Rude!.mkv (193.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E34 - 034 - Love Doesn't Require a Manual (1).mkv (209.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E35 - 035 - Love Doesn't Require a Manual (2) + You Can't Judge a Person by His Appearance, Either.mkv (216.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E36 - 036 - People with Dark Pasts Can't Shut Up.mkv (197.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E37 - 037 - People Who Say that Santa Doesn't Really Exist Actually Want to Believe in Him + Prayer Won't Make Your Worldly Desires Go Away! Control Yourself.mkv (200.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E38 - 038 - Only Children Play in the Snow + Eating Ice Cream in Winter Is Awesome.mkv (194.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E39 - 039 - Ramen Shops with Long Menus Never Do Well.mkv (176.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E40 - 040 - Give a Thought to Planned Pregnancy.mkv (205.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E41 - 041 - You Can't Judge a Movie by Its Title.mkv (218.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E42 - 042 - You Know What Happens If You Pee on a Worm.mkv (231.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E43 - 043 - Make Characters So Anybody Can Tell Who They Are by Just Their Silhouettes + Since It Ended a Bit Early, We're Starting the Next One.mkv (175.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E44 - 044 - Mom's Busy Too, So Quit Complaining About What's for Dinner.mkv (228.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E45 - 045 - Walk Your Dog at an Appropriate Speed.mkv (242.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E46 - 046 - Adults Only. We Wouldn't Want Anyone Immature in Here….mkv (209.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E47 - 047 - Do Cherries Come from Cherry Trees.mkv (220.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E48 - 048 - The More You're Alike, the More You Fight + Whatever You Play, Play to Win.mkv (186.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S01E49 - 049 - A Life Without Gambling Is Like Sushi Without Wasabi.mkv (224.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E01 - 050 - Pending Means Pending, It's Not Final.mkv (256.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E02 - 051 - Milk Should Be Served at Body Temperature.mkv (208.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E03 - 052 - If You Want to See Someone, Make an Appo First.mkv (173.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E04 - 053 - Stress Makes You Bald, But It's Stressful to Avoid Stress, So You End Up Stressed Out Anyway, So in the End There's Nothing You Can Do.mkv (189.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E05 - 054 - Mothers Everywhere Are All the Same.mkv (197.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E06 - 055 - Don't Make Munching Noises When You Eat.mkv (182.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E07 - 056 - Keep an Eye on the Chief for the Day.mkv (203.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E08 - 057 - When Looking for Things You've Lost, Remember What You Were Doing on the Day You Lost It.mkv (195.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E09 - 058 - Croquette Sandwiches Are Always the Most Popular Food Sold at the Stalls.mkv (172.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E10 - 059 - Be Careful Not to Leave Your Umbrella Somewhere.mkv (165.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E11 - 060 - The Sun Will Rise Again.mkv (212.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E12 - 061 - On a Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn to the Light.mkv (196.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E13 - 062 - Even Mummy Hunters Sometimes Turn into Mummies.mkv (203.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E14 - 063 - The Preview Section in JUMP Is Always Unreliable.mkv (162.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E15 - 064 - Eating Nmaibo Can Make You Full in No Time!.mkv (180.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E16 - 065 - Rhinoceros Beetles Teach Boys that Life Is Precious.mkv (260.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E18 - 067 - For the Wind Is the Life + The Ideal Girlfriend Is Always Minami.mkv (239.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E19 - 068 - Like a Haunted House, Life Is Filled with Horrors.mkv (188.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E20 - 069 - Please Help by Separating Your Trash.mkv (195.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E21 - 070 - Too Many Cuties Can Make You Sick.mkv (228.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E22 - 071 - Some Data Cannot Be Erased.mkv (208.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E23 - 072 - A Dog's Paws Smell Fragrant + Drive with a Might Attitude.mkv (208.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E24 - 073 - Think for a Minute Now, Do Matsutake Mushrooms Really Taste All that Good.mkv (200.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E25 - 074 - The Manga Writer Becomes a Pro, After Doing a Stock of Manuscripts.mkv (210.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E26 - 075 - Don't Complain About Your Job at Home, Do It Somewhere Else.mkv (250.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E27 - 076 - In Those Situations, Keep Quiet and Cook Red Rice with Beans.mkv (192.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E28 - 077 - Yesterday's Enemy, After All Is Said and Done, Is Still the Enemy.mkv (178.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E29 - 078 - People Who Are Picky About Food Are Also Picky About People, Too.mkv (169.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E30 - 079 - Four Heads Are Better Than One.mkv (169.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E31 - 080 - When Someone Who Wears Glasses Takes Them Off, It Looks Like Something's Missing.mkv (184.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E32 - 081 - A Woman's Best Make-Up Is Her Smile.mkv (245.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E33 - 082 - You Don't Stand in Line for the Ramen, You Stand in Line for the Self-Satisfaction + You Say Kawaii So Often, You Must Really Think You're Cute Stuff.mkv (228.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E34 - 083 - Rank Has Nothing to Do with Luck.mkv (225.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E35 - 084 - Hard-Boiled Egg on a Man's Heart.mkv (143.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E41 - 090 - The More Delicious the Food, the Nastier It Is When It Goes Bad.mkv (201.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E42 - 091 - If You Want to Lose Weight, Then Stop Eating and Start Moving.mkv (175.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E43 - 092 - Be a Person Who Can See People's Strong Points and Not Their Weak Points.mkv (151.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E44 - 093 - Even a Hero Has Issues.mkv (180.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E45 - 094 - When Riding a Train, Make Sure You Grab the Straps with Both Hands.mkv (150.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E46 - 095 - Men, Be a Madao.mkv (178.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E47 - 096 - If You're a Man, Don't Give Up.mkv (153.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E48 - 097 - Exaggerate the Tales of Your Exploits by a Third, So Everyone Has a Good Time + Men Have a Weakness for Girls Who Sell Flowers and Work in Pastry Shops.mkv (182.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E49 - 098 - Play Video Games for Only an Hour a Day.mkv (160.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S02E50 - 099 - Life and Video Games Are Full of Bugs.mkv (180.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E04 - 103 - There's a Thin Line Between Strengths and Weaknesses.mkv (180.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E05 - 104 - Important Things Are Hard to See.mkv (190.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E06 - 105 - It's All About the Beat and Timing.mkv (201.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E07 - 106 - Love Is Often Played Out in Sudden Death.mkv (250.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E08 - 107 - Kids Don't Understand How Their Parents Feel.mkv (180.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E09 - 108 - Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid.mkv (178.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E10 - 109 - Life Is a Test.mkv (157.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E11 - 110 - People Are All Escapees of Their Own Inner Prisons.mkv (155.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E12 - 111 - Definitely Do Not Let Your Girlfriend See the Things You Use for Cross-Dressing + There's Almost a 100% Chance You'll Forget Your Umbrella and Hate Yourself for It.mkv (220.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E13 - 112 - A Birthday in Your Twenties Has No Deep Meaning + Lucky Is a Man Who Gets Up and Goes to Work.mkv (200.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E14 - 113 - Cleaning the Toilet Cleanses the Soul.mkv (181.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E15 - 114 - They Say Soy Sauce on Pudding Tastes Like Sea Urchin, But Soy Sauce on Pudding Only Tastes Like Pudding and Soy Sauce.mkv (173.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E16 - 115 - Summer Vacation Is the Most Fun Right Before It Begins.mkv (206.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E17 - 116 - The Older, the Wiser.mkv (176.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E18 - 117 - Beauty Is Like a Summer Fruit.mkv (203.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E19 - 118 - Even If Your Back Is Bent, Go Straight Forward.mkv (231.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E20 - 119 - Within Each Box of Cigarettes, Are One or Two Cigarettes that Smell Like Horse Dung.mkv (177.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E21 - 120 - Japanese Restaurants Abroad Taste Pretty Much Like School Cafeteria Lunches + Once You've Taken a Dish, You Can't Put It Back.mkv (173.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E22 - 121 - Novices Only Need a Flathead and a Phillips.mkv (187.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E23 - 122 - Imagination Is Nurtured in the 8th Grade.mkv (176.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E24 - 123 - Always Keep a Screwdriver in Your Heart.mkv (204.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E25 - 124 - When Nagging Goes Too Far It Becomes Intimidating.mkv (192.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E26 - 125 - Entering the Final Chapter!.mkv (215.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E27 - 126 - Some Things Can Only Be Conveyed Through the Written Word.mkv (193.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E28 - 127 - Sometimes You Must Meet to Understand.mkv (204.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E29 - 128 - Sometimes You Can't Tell Just by Meeting Someone.mkv (198.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E30 - 129 - Beware of Food You Pick Up Off the Ground.mkv (190.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E31 - 130 - Cat Lovers and Dog Lovers Are Mutually Exclusive.mkv (215.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E32 - 131 - Fights Often Ensue During Trips.mkv (188.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E33 - 132 - Briefs Will Unavoidably Get Skidmarks.mkv (198.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E34 - 133 - Gin and His Excellency's Good-for-Nothings.mkv (206.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E35 - 134 - Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories.mkv (272.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E36 - 135 - Before Thinking About the Earth, Think About the More Endangered Gintaman's Future!.mkv (196.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E37 - 136 - It's Your House, You Build It.mkv (165.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E38 - 137 - 99% of Men Aren't Confident in Confessing Their Love + People Who Don't Believe in Santa Are the Very Ones Who Want to Believe, You Contentious Bastard.mkv (172.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E39 - 138 - Let's Talk About the Old Days Once in a While.mkv (183.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E40 - 139 - Don't Put Your Wallet in Your Back Pocket.mkv (176.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E41 - 140 - Beware of Those Who Use an Umbrella on a Sunny Day!.mkv (171.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E42 - 141 - Butting into a Fight Is Dangerous.mkv (202.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E43 - 142 - Life Is About Making Consecutive Decisions.mkv (214.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E44 - 143 - Those Who Stand on Four Legs Are Beasts. Those Who Stand on Two Legs, Guts, and Glory Are Men.mkv (216.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E46 - 145 - The Color for Each Person's Bond Comes in Various Colors.mkv (209.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E47 - 146 - The Taste of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special.mkv (207.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E48 - 147 - All Adults Are Instructors for All Children.mkv (177.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E49 - 148 - Zip Up Your Fly Nice and Slowly.mkv (141.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E50 - 149 - When Breaking a Chuubert in Half, the End with the Knob Should Be Better. It's Also Tasty to Drink from There.mkv (150.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S03E51 - 150 - If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them.mkv (196.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E04 - 154 - That Person Looks Different from Usual During a Birthday Party.mkv (236.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E05 - 155 - The Other Side of the Other Side of the Other Side Would Be the Other Side.mkv (232.4 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E06 - 156 - It Takes a Bit of Courage to Enter a Street Vendor's Stand.mkv (202.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E07 - 157 - Any Place Can Become a Battlefield When Men Gather.mkv (273.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E08 - 158 - If a Friend Gets Injured, Take Him to the Hospital, Stat!.mkv (267.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E09 - 159 - If One Orange in the Box Is Rotten, the Rest of Them Will Become Rotten Before You Realize It.mkv (309.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E10 - 160 - From a Foreigner's Perspective, You're the Foreigner. From an Alien's Perspective, You're the Alien.mkv (264.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E11 - 161 - Laputa's Still Good After Seeing It So Many Times.mkv (205.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E12 - 162 - Love Is Unconditional.mkv (269.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E13 - 163 - The Black Ships Even Make a Scene When They Sink.mkv (221.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E14 - 164 - That Matsutake Soup Stuff Tastes Better Than the Real Deal + If a Person Is Dead, They Can't Come Back to Life.mkv (217.9 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E15 - 165 - If It Works Once, It'll Work Over and Over Again.mkv (220.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E16 - 166 - Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One.mkv (209.3 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E20 - 170 - And into the Legend….mkv (275.5 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E21 - 171 - If You Keep Copying, They Will Retaliate + A Loss Open Your Eyes to the Love You Have.mkv (186.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E22 - 172 - Using the Carrot and Stick Method Depends on the Situation.mkv (185.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E23 - 173 - It's What's on the Inside that Counts + It's What's on the Inside that Counts, But Only to a Certain Extent.mkv (178.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E24 - 174 - Are There Still People Who Go to the Ocean and Yell Out Bakayaro! + When a Person Is Trapped, Their Inner Door Opens.mkv (173.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E25 - 175 - No Matter How Old You Get, You Still Hate the Dentist!.mkv (180.6 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E35 - 185 - Hometowns and Boobs Are Best Thought of from Afar + The Whole Peeing on a Bee Sting Is a Myth. You’ll Get Germs, So Don’t Do It!!.mkv (219.1 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E37 - 187 - It’s Goodbye Once a Flag Is Set.mkv (169.0 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E38 - 188 - An Observation Journal Should Be Seen Through to the Very End.mkv (203.7 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E39 - 189 - We Know It’s Best to Finish Yearly Tasks Before the End of the Year, But Then You Put It Off 'til Next Year for a Fresh Start. That’s How the End of the Year Goes.mkv (195.2 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E40 - 190 - When Looking for Something, Try Using Its Perspective.mkv (203.8 MiB)
[Nyaa] Gintama - S04E41 - 191 - Freedom Means to Live True to Yourself, Not Without Law!.mkv (176.1 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E01 - 202 - Everyone Looks a Little Grown Up After Spring Break.mkv (200.2 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E02 - 203 - Everyone Looks Pretty Grown Up After Summer Break.mkv (256.7 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E03 - 204 - Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year Cards + The Heart Comes Before Chocolate.mkv (215.8 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E04 - 205 - Meals Should Be Balanced + We Are All Warriors in the Battle Against Fate.mkv (267.7 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E05 - 206 - It's Too Confusing When Talking About the Poster Girl for a Poster Store, So Call Her a Sandwich Board.mkv (202.7 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E06 - 207 - Glasses Are Part of the Soul.mkv (186.2 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E07 - 208 - Glasses Prevent You from Seeing Certain Things.mkv (205.5 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E08 - 209 - Nothing Lasts Forever, Including Parents, Money, Youth, Your Room, Dress Shirts, Me, You and the Gintama Anime.mkv (247.6 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E09 - 210 - A Lawless Town Tends to Attract a Bunch of Whoohooey Folk.mkv (220.5 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E10 - 211 - Ghosts Aren't The Only Ones Who Run Wild Around Graveyards.mkv (222.9 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E11 - 212 - Chains of a Warrior.mkv (209.9 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E21 - 222 - The Name Reveals the Person.mkv (270.8 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E22 - 223 - The Man's Household Situation Is Hard , His Heart Is Soft.mkv (188.5 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E23 - 224 - Blue and Red Ecstasy.mkv (411.9 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S05E24 - 225 - So in the Second Season of Prison Break, They Already Broke Out of Prison, But the Name Works When You Realize That Society Is a Prison.mkv (183.5 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E01 - 266 - You Can Never Pause at the Perfect Time.mkv (275.4 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E02 - 267 - Even a Matsui Stick Can't Handle Some Kinds of Dirt.mkv (321.7 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E03 - 268 - An Inspector's Love Begins With an Inspection.mkv (228.7 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E04 - 269 - Forget Dates, Remember People + You Can Hide Your Porn Mags, But You Can't Hide Your .mkv (269.4 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E05 - 270 - A Mirror Provides a Frozen Reflection of Both Your Beautiful and Ugly Sides + Nobody Likes the Photo on Their License.mkv (287.9 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E06 - 271 - Arriving Late to a Reunion Makes it Hard to Enter.mkv (288.6 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E07 - 272 - A Reunion Also Brings to the Surface Things You Don't Want to Remember.mkv (245.7 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E08 - 273 - When Compared to Time in the Heavens, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Naught but Dreams and Lottery Tickets.mkv (319.4 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E09 - 274 - Guys With Big Nostrils Also Have Big Imaginations + You Never Accept a New Sentai Series at the Start, But By the Final Episode, You Don't Want It to End.mkv (268.9 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E25 - 290 - Always Leave Enough Room for Fifty Million in Your Bag.mkv (203.1 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E26 - 291 - Always Leave Enough Room for Pebbles in Your Bag.mkv (222.6 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E27 - 292 - Style Goes Out of Fashion the Moment It's Put Into Words + There Are Two Types of People In This World- Those Who Yell Out Their Attack Names, and Those Who Don't.mkv (244.6 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E28 - 293 - The Two Apes.mkv (233.1 MiB)
[Judas] Gintama - S07E29 - 294 - Afros of Life and Death.mkv (247.8 MiB)
Comments - 1
Arigato ^^