Mediainfo | Vapoursynth Script | Source-Encode Comparison (Borders added for ease of comparison)
Lazy encode I made so I can watch the show without the blocking present in other releases (see comp 3). Tried my best to harm details as little as possible while dealing with the source issues, though some minor details in problematic scenes are lost (see comp 2). For any scenes not affected by either it’s pretty much transparent (see comp 1). Filtering consists of two debands lumamasked into another, a few other masks, and dynamic graining to mask minor leftover imperfections.
Encoded from the JPBD since it has better detail retention. Subs and audio synced from the ZetaRebel release, since a quick ABX showed no difference between the audios other than the offset. The PGS subs seem to be based on the Mokkori fansubs (or whatever those were based on), with better timing and generally much better editing, making them preferable. Should you run into any major issues you can hit me up on Discord: @Moelancholy#6036.
Comments - 8
oh thanks.season 2 maybe?
Tsukudakobashi (uploader)
@tomux123x I’ll be doing Season 2 when I watch it, unless someone who also has access to U2 (or fast enough net to make sharing the raws and sending back the encoded video to me viable) wants to lend their PC for computing power. If not, I’ll likely be watching the rest of the franchise over the course of 2021 and will be making my own encodes to watch the show if I find existing ones to be lacking (as was the case here).
ok,thanks for the reply
PGS are retail subs. Where retail actually based from Mokkori subs?
Thanks a ton for the upload, but it seems I am not able to connect to any of the seeders. If anyone with their ports forwarded could seed this I’d appreciate it!
are S3 and S4 already available from a BD source?
Complete here (S3 & S4):
Is BD upscale ?