@ nathansometimes
It's 2021. Everyone can watch whatever the fuck they want. Unlike you being a faggot and a weeb white trash living in your slutty mom's basement.
@ abu_sayyaf74
i'm filipino and i have my own apartment. i can tell you're the weaker dude because you instantly got offended.
no worries. wasn't expecting much from a muslim.
@ nathansometimes
You're being islamophobic out of sudden and you expect what? Praising your goddamn incompetent jesus? Besides this isn't my real name, I use fake names.
No wonder you comment like a fucking backward retard, you're from 3rd world country. Most of your peenoise eats trash for breakfast.
@ abu_sayyaf74
I live in America. Islamophobic? Abu Sayyaf has kidnapped and killed many people. So I'm Islamophobic and you support murderers.
But again, you're getting really mad me for just pointing out your username. It's okay. I don't expect much from you. Try again later, mkay? You can do it.
@ nathansometimes
i live on mars. does that make me a fucking terrorist too, you faggot piece of trash? america is full of pedophile, rapists and murderers too, do you support them?
But again, you're just a fucking stupid dipshit who eats trash like the rest peenoise maggots. I don't expect you to be fucking smart anyway. Try choking on some niggers' dick later.
@ nathansometimes
do me a favor, how about you stop replying and continue watching your stupid japenis cartoons or hentai and keep dreaming living in America?
@ abu_sayyaf74
Wow dude. Very nice. Still not getting why you're so mad though. It's okay. I'll pray for you. Here's the lord's prayer so you can pray with me.
'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
@ MaxRebo120
shut the fuck, you fucking mongrel. why can any shows besides tokusatsu has 1080p brrip in any torrent sites?
@ nathansometimes
mad? that's because you offended me first, faggot. are you a fucking idiot? did watching lots of animes really fucked up your head?
@MaxRebo120 if the fucking Blurays aren't overpriced as hell, I would've buy a fuckload of that shit already. it's the fucking scalpers cunt like you is why no people gets to buy these limited blurays.
Comments - 19