
2021-01-10 18:12
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562.2 MiB
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All of the Act-age volumes with all of the chapters present neatly packaged within .cbz archives + volume 13 which contains chapters that weren’t released as a volume officially since the author of mango groped little kids or something. Since there doesn’t seem to be a complete batch of this I decided to upload my own version which I sourced from various places on the interwebz. Quality is ok but I do read my stuff on an e-reader so it may vary if you read on a tablet or a phone. Either way, it gets the point across. Enjoy!

File list

  • Act-age
    • Act-age, Volume 01 - Kei Yonagi.cbz (41.2 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 02 - Chiyoko's Mask.cbz (45.0 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 03 - Thank You.cbz (55.2 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 04 - How Araya Makes a Role.cbz (48.3 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 05 - Akira Hoshi.cbz (49.4 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 06 - Curtain Call.cbz (45.6 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 07 - The Kind of Normal.cbz (41.9 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 08 - Encounter.cbz (34.6 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 09 - Hanako's Picture.cbz (34.1 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 10 - Opening Battle.cbz (33.9 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 11 - Wind.cbz (40.8 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 12 - Road Show.cbz (32.1 MiB)
    • Act-age, Volume 13 - Oopsie Woopsie.cbz (60.1 MiB)

You have my gratitude.

skk (uploader)


@OmegaKaiser You’re welcome, buddy!

So… no conclusion to the series?

skk (uploader)


@MidnightBlue nope. it’s almost as if the publisher wants to erase this manga from existence lol. normally i get my stuff from mangadex but english translation for it was removed even from there so i had to source chapters from all over the place. for context:

i still think it’s worth a read.

Always keep it in your pants kids. And follow the “YES LOLI NO TOUCH” rule.

Funny thing is, I liked this manga and it was pretty popular too.
I was reading this on the official Shonen Jump app and was saving the chapters for a rainy day.
When I went to read it, I couldn’t find the title on the app and was pretty shocked on seeing Discontinued as status on MAL.
I’m happy I didn’t read further ahead or I would’ve been even more disappointed.
BTW anyone got any updates on the situation??

Matsuki Tatsuya, the writer of Act-Age was arrested on August 8, 2020.

The editorial department takes this situation very seriously, and after confirming the matter and discussing it with Shiro Usazaki Sensei, the artist for the series, we have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to continue with its serialization. The chapter that is in combined issue 36/37 of Weekly Shonen Jump will be the final chapter.

It is extremely unfortunate to have to end a series that has received so much support from so many readers in this way. However, this decision was made because of the nature of the incident, and because Weekly Shonen Jump recognizes the weight of its social responsibility.

We offer our deepest regrets and apologies to our readers. This is a difficult time for Usazaki Sensei, but the editorial department offers Usazaki Sensei our support and encouragement for future works.

Information about graphic novel volumes and related publications and events will be announced as they are decided.

organization quality seems to drop in volume 11-13. pages are thrown around, repeated and some are even missing

chapter 106 seems to be missing and chapter 105 repeats again?

Same deal with chapter 110 and 111