So after… 3 full years the Let’s & Go!! batch is finally complete. I would like to thank everyone below for the following
SquareAnon: Translating and timing the original episodes
Celestine: Revising and enhancing the dialogue
Migon: Preparing the video files and syncing the subtitle files to the batch
Wonder-Inc: Revising episodes for the batch and overall consistency checks.
shockercombatman: Revising some early episodes
And just in time for the series’ 25th anniversary. As the very first episode aired on January 8th 1996.
I would also like to thank all of our viewers and fans as we’re very thankful for your support and would encourage interaction. We had quite the crazy year in 2020 and it partially among other things had an effect on our lives last year.
I of course know that L&G significantly slowed down last year, but I’d like to just remind all of you I am trying my very best to have it coming consistently and at the best quality possible, but there are some factors I just can’t control.
So please have patience and faith and hopefully you guys will get what you want sooner than later.
As for upcoming L&G content there is nothing I have that is definitive. However, L&G work did resume since the last update I gave in November of last year.
Best regards.
Comments - 11
Thanks for this project
You did a great job! Thank you for your all of efforts!!
Looks like children garbage.
Thanks SS, this batch is very waited and liked! D44… so what? It’s still better than most. I love dark, “adult-oriented”, thought-provoking anime, but L&G is still awesome. Calling it garbage by seeing a one link (who uses ANN anyways anymore) is narrow-sighted and just plain stupid.
@D44 Go bother someone else you adult garbage lover
You shouldn’t have to trash talk here if you don’t like it, we appreciate all of their hard work.
Have you even paid for anything you get here?
I doubt it.
Thanks very much
Thank you to all those involved for your hard work in the past 3 years to make this come true!
Thank you so much, i never thought i would ever see this happen!!!
Thank you for those that are seeding at the moment, i appreciate your help.
Also the discord link is not working. Can you make the invite link last abit longer?
Wonder if you’ve considered doing the other two series. And possibly the movies.
Course, stuff like this takes lots of time and effort, which I can understand. And you’ve done real well on it as well.