**Title**: One Piece 001-574
HEVC 10bit SoftSubbed - 1920 x 1080
Encoded by EoE with help from entire Judas Team
**Source**: [df68] + Web-dl (635 GiB)
**Audio**: Japanese - English
**Subtitles**: English
**Notes**: Finally, a big batch of One Piece in 1080p from what we consider the best sources. Episodes 1-206 from df68 (uncropped with original aspect ratio of 4:3), 207-574 from CR/Funi/Amzn (in 16:9) depending on which version was better for each episode. Chapters are included. A big thanks to jdcox who provided the rips and synced the english dub.
About english subs, I restyled them to make everything consistent from beginning to end, no typesetting included. Too many issues occurred when I tried to sync multisubs so I ended up avoiding them.
Special mention to EoE's work on episodes including flashbacks: those scenes had a very bad quality and each frame has been replaced from the actual old episode where it came from, then filtered in a better way, check a couple of [comparisons here](https://slow.pics/c/8pjXHExS).
### Episodes 575-782 are available in Blu-Ray, [get them here](https://nyaa.si/view/1527971)
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Hey all, EoE here. One Piece has been a long time coming now, and it's been pushed back by multiple issues that have been encountered where I thought that the end was near, so most of my predictions for release date have been completely off. Either way it's here now, so let's talk about all the issues.
Episodes 1-206 are the older 4:3 format, and whilst our sources were cleaned up a fair amount, they still had a fair amount of rainbowing and noise present. The former was significantly improved by using a strong chroma denoise, followed by a sharpen and a repair. This has resulted in slightly diminished colours on smaller objects (where the denoiser assumed that was *also* noise), however for the most part are completely fine. For the noise, BM3D + HQDeringmod worked well enough. I don't really like how aggressive HQDeringmod can be, however it was necessary here to deal with the strong ringing around everything. This was then contrasharpened and repaired against the source to make sure that it didn't go too wild. Finally the usual deband + grain.
Episodes 207 onward are native 16:9, and are significantly different in terms of production level. Up to around 450 required some extra edgefixing, but for the most part the scripts for all of these are the same. The filtering was nothing too special for these, being BM3D + DFTTest for the denoise, an extremely light warpsharp on the chroma to fix some bleeding, and then normal dehalo, deband and grain. In comparison to the first 206 episodes, the quality for these is significantly better, so they needed a lot less work. This however, leads into...
279-283 - The cursed flashback episodes. When coming up with filler to put into One Piece, some arsehat decided that it would be a great idea to copy paste the garbage 4:3 DVDs into the newer, fairly high quality 16:9 production using what must be a bilinear upscale, and adding some horrible branded bars on the sides. Me being me, I couldn't stand for this, so I have painstakingly reconstructed all 5 of these episodes from scratch, using our newer, much better quality sources. This involved scrubbing through the video, identifying each scene, finding that scene in one of the 206 episodes (thanks saucenao.com/trace.moe), and then splicing it into the original video. This took around 5-8 hours per episode, and is something I wholly regret committing to doing due to how damn boring it was. At least it means these episodes are actually watchable now, assuming anyone *actually* watches them, because filler is filler. Thanks to everyone in the Judas Discord server who joined vc at any point in the last few weeks or so who entertained me for the portion of this work.
Episodes 492 and 542 had to be sourced and filtered seperately due to them being first two of the three Toriko crossover episodes. Other than having a garbage amount of ringing that had to be dealt with, the scripts for these were fairly similar to the ones for 207+.
WOW!! yall do some serious work!! i wasnt going to watch one piece stop after the grand line but since you dropped this i cant ignore it now. great work
Thank you! Finally someone who didn't upload the horrible cropped CR "Special Edition" episodes. I wish the Kaizouku fansub sub files were available for use on better videos.

Thanks for letting us know, we wouldn't have guessed otherwise.. :lol:
Edit: You done the meme yourself, you don't need me to look ridiculous, see ?
Nice release, my current collection for those episodes is like 400GBs (I have that uncompressed one on Nyaa with episodes being ~450MBs most of the time for just 720p), so this will save quite a lot of space!
Great release from y'all guys. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.
Btw, I've downloaded this batch before.
Is there any improvements or changes in this batch?
So that I should download it also.
Thanks in advance dude.
I see df68 released a version 2 of 1-62, does this include that or the version 1?
I'm really wanting a 1080p AC3 5.1 English, do you know if it would be possible to take the cloaknsmoke-rips dvdrips (1-552) and use MKVToolNix to merge the audio or would it be out of sync?
@Jin_Kazama Oh yeah, tonnes of improvements. Mainly that I'm actually not terrible at filtering now. If you are able, definately replace the old batch with this one.
@211411142314 No idea on either question, though i doubt the DVD rips would sync perfectly. I'll see if I can find out if these are df86's v2s or not: I assume so, but can't be 100% certain without checking.
Great, download already started.
Fuckin' great job @EoE, been watching you as a silent reader on discord for awhile now.
Will follow your release along with Judas' team.
Thanks a million dude. *high five*
Please dont use old df68 bdrip i assume he used awarpsharp or same kind filters its ruin anime 1-206 also same filtering he start over v2 rips looks great.
Your 1-206 source probably V1 df68 only made V2 for 1-62 yet.
Other than df68 v2 rips best 1-206 SOFCJ dvdrips
Great release, only problem is that either my TV sucks dick, or the file encode doesn't let me play audio in TV which sucks because even my pron plays moans well on TV :'(.
Thank You finally have some good quality of ONE PIECE collection hope in the future you will do the rest of episode until to the latest sending loves to the Judas Team! <3 :-*
@GLAS Do other Judas releases work on your TV? Not all TVs have built in opus support, so it might just be the audio codec. Changing to AAC would probably work fine, and can be done in a few minutes with a script. If you need help with that, drop me a Discord message.
@slybunda those are the crossover episodes, and I don't think they were ever dubbed. I'm not sure why they weren't dub, since Funi dubbed all those shows.
@EoE Thank you so much for this torrent. I love Marineford Arc but never didn't want to keep it on my PC. And after many years have pass and I just realize I like Akainu so much. I really want to bring back those arc to my collection again. But I can't find it anywhere. Finally I found it here. Thank you so much again.
Nice. Just what we needed.
PS: starting at episode 459, there should be 29.970 FPS (23.976 looks too choppy). Since I read that it changed at this point. But... Crunchyroll decided to decimate the show (and others maybe, too?) to 23.976 FPS.
I don't know exactly what to think about this. Well, it's just an idea for improvement.
Or is it not possible to convert video back to 29.97 FPS?
Which episodes are sourced from Funi/Amazon? or was it only the dub audio? Those two sources have the original 15 openings whilst this one only uses the 10 that Crunchyroll were given. About every streaming service including Netflix has the rest.
df68 has it but they have that noticeable filter he puts on his Crunchyroll rips
hey for the crossover episodes I am quite sure the second half's are missing. there is another like 20+ episode for each maybe you intended to combine them but playing the files I only see the first halves
I appreciate the hard work. Is there a way to get these without the [Judas] in front of the English and Japanese audio tracks?
Translation: "I appreciate your hard work -- so much, that I'd like to take credit for it. Tell me how."
thanks a lot for this collection dude, i was looking for an uncropped version.
btw, is there a way to remove the english dub and put the english subs as default in a batch?
i already figured it out, but thanks anyway.
I came back to share this info too. In addition, you can even remux the episodes as a batch using the following code in a ".bat" file to put the eng sub as the default one. Just copy, paste and save this as a ".bat" file with notepad, then put it in the folder containing the episodes and run it (also make sure you've got MKVtoolnix installed and use the correct path, or it won't work):-
set mkvmerge="C:/Program Files (x86)/MKVToolNix\mkvmerge.exe"
set output_folder=C:\Users\(insert output path here)
for /r %%a in (*.mkv) do call %mkvmerge% -o "%output_folder%\%%~na.mkv" --default-track 0:yes --language 1:jpn --default-track 2:yes --language 3:eng --default-track 3:yes ^ "%%a" --track-order 0:0,0:1,0:2,0:3
One question, sorry, is there any chance to get the original ending song from eps 207 to 231 because it was changed to "Eternal Pose" instead of "Mirai Kokai".
@EoE i would appreciate if you'd help me in my current dilemma. All Judas releases does not produce audio on my tv, it would be waste not to learn how to convert into AAC becoz most of my anime downloads are from judas.
@GLAS try using Kodi on your TV if it's a Smart TV
I was facing the same issue with Judas encodes mainly due to OPUS. Kodi runs everything without an issue, stylized subs included.
I have a question (to me it's kinda important). Does it have the animated subs (like when Luffy does one of his moves or when its played a song)? If not, can it be put somehow? I have the original episodes (in low quality like 360p) and, for me at least, it has some nostalgic value. If I can help somehow to make it happened, like if you need the episodes or something, let me know and I'll help. Thanks for the great work! :D
PS: Pls make a batch for OP S20!
PSS: I've just found out they're called Kaizoku-Fansubs. Probably might help for the research if it's done.
ignore my above post about episode 137 audio sync. this torrent is fine, iv mistakenly commented on this torrent when it was regarding a different torrent.
@EoE thanks for probably the best One Piece release on Nyaa. I'm curious though, are you using 5.1 audio from the DVDs for the english track? Also are you planning to post an updated version of the 4:3 episodes (you can get the latest version from the Neo-Raws/df68 discord page: https://discord.gg/k7uhGRDYGA) and the filler episode that had an issue?
Yo, my fav uploader, on the next big one piece batch release, use Neo-Raws “Remaster” upscaled episodes for 1-206, its many times better than [df68]'s release (even [df68] did S1 V2 release, which was just files from Neo-Raws), It has better colors, better lines, everything better and they are even trying to make it even better, Thank you :-)
Thank you for this, much appreciated. It's super cool that I can re-watch this show with my kids without them having to read the subs.
Will there be an updated version up to 780 odd?
just found out some of the Funimation episodes appear to have broken sound at the very end (the "next episode" part).
for example ep 484, half of the preview has no sound
Not really a huge problem since most people would skip it.
But the openings around Ep 430 and 440 are wrong? The opening theme went from a new one to one of the previous ones unless this is a Crunchyroll / Funimation thing.
Thanks for the release anyway
does this source has repleaced openings ? And lack of japanese subtitles? Like some CR episodes
The first widescreen episodes with the funimation logo have a weird effect where the Opening will start and the funimation logo will freeze for 10 seconds while the opening music starts and then the visuals will speed up super fast to catch up to the music. Might be a Plex thing since I'm watching using that.
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