[Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 1-23 [1080p]

2020-12-28 16:08 UTC
File size:
37.2 GiB
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File list

  • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 1-23 [1080p]
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 001v2 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 002v2 [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 003v2 [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 004v2 [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 005v2 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 006v2 [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 007v2 [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 008v2 [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 009v2 [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 010v2 [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 011 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 012 [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 013v2 [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 014 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 015v2 [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 016 [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 017 [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 018 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 019 [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 020 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 021 [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 022v2 [1080p].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Inka-Subs] Oishinbo (The Gourmet) 023v2 [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
Note; for those of you who have been watching the releases on Youtube, they have skipped episodes 15, 20 and, 23.
Great release, Thank you very much :)
@TougeWolf_ Have you decided to continue or drop it?
I'll be finishing off another project before reassessing, but considering the YT channel is deleting their vids if they aren't popular... I'd say it's reasonably likely that I'll come back to it at some point.
Thanks again for the subs! :)
@TougeWolf_ You're not kidding, half of the early episodes on Youtube are gone for no apparent reason whatsoever, it seems they're deleting the older ones from the channel. This isn't a "license" at all and more of a marketing attempt or "sample" by the Japanese publisher, I think. I do hope you come back because your release was STELLAR.
@metamorphic I read somewhere on their channel that they would delete 'unpopular' episodes after 45 days (or something like that). I think its popularity was based on number of comments + views.
Thanks for the great job! Much appreciated! <3
Please come back to this project asap. I am living in Japan now and this is a very important series to me during my difficult time living here, really appreciate the upload and hope for it to be completed one day.
Thank you for releases, gentlemen. I can't wait for continuation; this series touches me in a places that haven't been touched in a long while.
@usagiaddict Ditto..
list of missing eps from their YT so far 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 16 17 18 19 24 25 27 29 31 33 35 36 38 40
Still no updates with this show...?
Dammit, I forgot to save the subs from Youtube before, I hope someone else got the missing episodes.