### **[Shingeki no Kyojin - The Final Season](https://www.wakanim.tv/fr/v2/catalogue/show/62/lattaque-des-titans) ~ Episode 4**
#### **» Informations sur le fichier:**
- **⚠️ Version OCR ! Il peut y avoir des fautes ! Version non finale !**
- **Raw:** USD-Raws
- **Fichier:** [Tsundere-Raws] Shingeki no Kyojin S4 - 04 VOSTFR [WAKA 1080p].mkv
- **Fileinfo:** [None](None)
#### **» Preview:**
![Preview non disponible](http://d2y6mqrpjbqoe6.cloudfront.net/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/cdn1/movies-pictures/1dfb160a-62e9-4b33-8a09-a03572bbc806.jpg "Preview")
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> does WAKA version have any dimming or ghosting ?
This is not the Wakanim video here, probably NHK downscaled from 1440x1080 to 1280x720 then upscaled to 1920x1080.
"WAKA" is because of the subtitles.
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