Hello everybody, this torrent contains the COMPLETE “Dragon Ball SUPER” Anime Series that aired from 2015-2018 as well as the 3 MOVIES that have came out related to it (so far)! This is all this DUAL AUDIO torrent contains (in 1080p resolution), guys:
TV Series (2015-2018):
Season 1 (2015)
Season 2 (2015-16)
Season 3 (2016)
Season 4 (2016-17)
Season 5 (2017-18)
Movies (2013-2018):
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - EXTENDED Director’s CUT (2013) + EXTRAS
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection “F” aka Frieza (2015) + 2 MORE “Alternate” Films AND EXTRAS
Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018) + EXTRAS
Plot Synopsis:
Dragon Ball SUPER: The Series (2015-2018) - “With Majin Buu defeated half-a-year prior, peace returns to Earth, where Son Goku (now a radish farmer) and his friends now live peaceful lives. However, a new threat appears in the form of Beerus, the God of Destruction. Considered the most terrifying being in the entire universe, Beerus is eager to fight the legendary warrior seen in a prophecy foretold decades ago known as the Super Saiyan God. The series retells the events from the two Dragon Ball Z films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection ‘F’ before proceeding to an original story about the exploration of alternate universes.”
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (2013) - “The events of Battle of Gods take place some years after the battle with Majin Buu, which determined the fate of the entire universe. Bills, the God of Destruction, is tasked with maintaining some sort of balance in the universe. After awakening from a long slumber, Bills is visited by Whis and learns that the galactic overlord Frieza has been defeated by a Super Saiyan from the North Quadrant of the universe named Goku, who is also a former student of the North Kai. Ecstatic over the new challenge, Goku ignores King Kai’s advice and battles Bills, but he is easily overwhelmed and defeated. Bills leaves, but his eerie remark of “Is there nobody on Earth more worthy to destroy?” lingers on. Now it is up to the heroes to stop the God of Destruction before all is lost.”
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection “F” aka Frieza (2015) - “After the God of Destruction Beerus decided to not destroy the Earth, the planet is back again in peace. But, Sorube and Tagoma, previous Freeza’s servants, decide to revive his leader using the Dragon Balls. Succesful in his plan, Freeza decides to return to earth to start his revenge against the Saiya-jin who humiliated him once.”
Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018) - "Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly’s power would one day surpass that of his child, Vegeta, the king sends Broly to the desolate planet Vampa. Broly’s father Paragus follows after him, intent on rescuing his son. However, his ship gets damaged, causing the two to spend years trapped on the barren world, unaware of the salvation that would one day come from an unlikely ally.
Years later on Earth, Gokuu Son and Prince Vegeta—believed to be the last survivors of the Saiyan race—are busy training on a remote island. But their sparring is interrupted when the appearance of their old enemy Frieza drives them to search for the last of the wish-granting Dragon Balls on a frozen continent. Once there, Frieza shows off his new allies: Paragus and the now extremely powerful Broly. A legendary battle that shakes the foundation of the world ensues as Gokuu and Vegeta face off against Broly, a warrior without equal whose rage is just waiting to be unleashed."
Name (Title): DRAGON BALL SUPER (2015-2018) - The Complete TV Series, Season 1,2,3,4,5 S01-S05 plus 3 Movies (Z: Battle of Gods, Resurrection “F” Frieza, Broly) - 1080p BluRay DUAL AUDIO x264.
Category Type: TV Series and Movies.
Length (Duration): 22+ Minutes per Episode and Movies VARY in Length.
Year(s): 2015-2018 (Series) and 2013-2018 (Movies)…
Genre(s): Superhero, Action, Supernatural, Fantasy, Comedy, Suspense, Crime, Mystery, Kids, etc…
Resolution: 1080p.
Rip Type (Source): BluRay -
“Dragon Ball Super S00-S05 REPACK2 1080p BluRay Dual Audio FLAC 5.1 x264-KaiDubs”
“[Pendekar] Dragon Ball Z - Movie 15 - Resurrection F [Dual Audio].mkv”
Codec Type: x264.
Format of File(s): MKV(s) for pretty much everything but a few of the Extras (which are in MP4 format).
Audio Format & Language(s): DUAL AUDIO -> ENGLISH and JAPANESE audios, mainly:
SERIES -> ENGLISH Audio in AC3 5.1 6-Channel Format (640 KBPs) and JAPANESE Audio in AC3 2.0 2-Channel Format (224 KBPs).
MOVIES -> English AND Japanese Audios in AC3 5.1 6-Channel Format (640 KBPs).
Subtitles: YES -> ENGLISH Internal “SSA/SRT” Subs Muxed into the MKVs.
Chapters: Yes.
Information Link(s):
Comments - 35
Imagine downloading 300 mb Blu-Ray encodes
This is some dedication, I’ll give you that.
Thanks for including eng dubtitles. I was waiting for repack of super with dubtitles. Thank you so much
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Venny
Even though some of the episodss may be around that range, the quality is STILL HIGH; regardless of filesize, mate!
@ Impakt
Thanks, mate.
@ NightWold357
I’m honored to fulfill a wish of yours, mate!
animepacks007 are you from Australia ?
Not to mention you decided to encode in x264 which isn’t a huge problem but with this level of compression that is lunacy. If you want mini encodes just encode in x265 or hell just don’t download anime at all and watch it through a stream because it’s gonna be the same quality that way lol. No one needs another encode of Dragon Ball Super the size of an ants cock when there are already hundreds of them on this tracker
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ UltimateFighter
@ Venny
Just because some of the episodes are that low (in file size) doesn’t mean that the quality itself is “low”, mate! It’s just that some episodes compress BETTER than a whole lot of others (for whatever reason) which is why the filesizes for the episodes in this torrent oscillate in the 400-700MB+ range…
Also, not everybody likes or can use the the more recent x265/HEVC format which is why I choose to encode in x264 (AVC) still.
Furthermore, unlike MOST of my uploader peers here, I upload EVERYWHERE and trust me, people LOVE the torrents that I compile for them, so YES, the community could always use yet ANOTHER “Dragon Ball Super” torrent from someone like me, LOL: Especially when it comes with the 3 Movies (that are related to the series) as well as a HOST of EXTRAS, too!
With that said, I won’t go back and forth with you because you already have your mind made up about this torrent…
thanks for all these repacks mate! may i ask you, when do you think we will get the next gundam pack? are you still doing them? im trying to get into the series and it seems you are the only one that has a good gundam pack XD
my reaction to @Venny & @animepack007
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Rodark
It’s IRONIC you ask THAT because I’m releasing Pack FIVE actually NEXT week (on Christmas) ^_^!!! Just remain patient UNTIL then (next Friday), mate!
And thanks for being appreciative of my efforts with this torrent ;)!
@ kakarot
LOL, I definitely don’t care for going back and forth with people here so if I came off as a keyboard warrior of sorts, my bad :D!
oh good timing haha XD btw do you have an estimate of how many packs are needed to be up to date? im not rushing you or anything mate, just curious if we need 8 packs or 20 XD
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Rodark
I would say that my GUNDAM packs will probably MAX out @ like 8-10 packs before I’ve covered the COMPLETE saga all the way up until TODAY ;)!
oh awesome so we are halfway done basically! good to know. dont really know anything about gundam, seems really cool though, but confusing. i hope your 1-2-3 numbering is the watch order haha. again, thanks for doing this series. i hope you finish it in 2021 :D
Do you have a World Masterpiece Theater Collections like Heidi, Girl of the Alps, The Adventures of Peter Pan, Princess Sarah & Remi, Nobody’s Girl?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Rodark
YES, the order in which I released the packs IS the official “watch order”, my friend! Check THIS page to see what I’m talking about and then compare MY releases and the folders/files in EACH release:
@ kakarot
No, I don’t have those collections as of yet but maybe one day I’ll add them on my queue (just for you) ;)!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ SomaHeir
I’m glad that SOMEONE enjoys when I upload things related to the “Dragon Ball” franchise, LOL!
P.S: It’s always a JOY whenever I see YOU comment on one of MY torrent’s, mate!
Did you combine the japanese music with the english dub for some of these, or was it already like that?
Cause that was a real nice surprise when I saw it. Either way thanks for this, it’s a lot better than the previous version I had.
@water22 Super only ever had the original Japanese score for the English dub.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ water22 and iKaos
Thanks for the comments as well as answering water22 for me, iKaos!
@animepacks007 the video is 8bit or 10bit?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ ChadXBeriz
It’s in 8Bit, mate ;).
Do you have Attack on Titans Series?
Guys, I have several series in x265 of 500mb and audio 5.1 640kb and I can say that at 43 inches the first ones look brutal compared to these
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ kakarot
I honestly want to wait UNTIL the series is FINISHED airing, completely, before I make a PACK for it, ya’ know?
@ S.A.S.G.
I hope that’s a COMPLIMENT ^_^ to the QUALITY of this overall torrent in comparison to whichever ones of DB Super you already have downloaded, LOL!
Has anyone found all 27 episodes of Super’s Bang Zoom! dub with the original video from Toonami Asia? They used to be up on this site for like a day. I’m missing Episodes 2, 3, 6 and 7.
@animepacks007 will you be also doing a Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT set? would like having all 4 dragon balls from you.
Does this dragon ball super broly movie have that green tint? 👀
Just wanted to find out before downloading
In truth, DB&co are nul… If we are children, oky, but some years later to a old man & relook again, we see/notice many bad/stupid thing… & last, Freezer Gold is more ridiculous than a SSJ4…
Awesome bro
thanks a lot
just the torrent I needed
Are the subs from the BluRay, or a sub group? I’m not too knowledgeable on these things…
subtitles are terrible
US bluray or Japanese bluray?