[Pajeet] Psychometrer Eiji Volume 01-25 (Complete) [CBZ]

2020-11-27 07:24 UTC
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1.5 GiB
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## **Psychometrer Eiji Volume 01-25 (Complete) [CBZ]** ![Psychometrer Eiji](https://i.imgur.com/wu0Endv.png "Psychometrer Eiji") ### **Scanlations by** - *Volume 01-12 [Omanga](https://www.insidescanlation.com/spotlight/project-omanga.html "Check out their awesome work!") Volume 12-16 [Yureka Scans](https://www.mangaupdates.com/groups.html?id=3236 "Check out their awesome work!") Volume 16 [Forgotten-Scans](https://www.mangaupdates.com/groups.html?id=5705 "Check out their awesome work!") Volume 16-25 [Irregular Scans](https://irregularscans.tumblr.com/ "Check out their awesome work!")* ### **DDL** - [MEGA](https://mega.nz/folder/9FcixbIQ#Rha-556E5blnh-152QmmRw) ----- ### **Uploaded by -**[ Mr. Pajeet](https://nyaa.si/user/Pajeet) ----- ### **BONUS -** Added manga covers as an optional download. ---- #### *Are you looking for a detective manga with comedic elements? You just found the right one....* #### *All I can say is, while reading this manga keep in mind that it is a product of its time. What do I mean by that? You'll know when you read this...* #### *Also, is it just me or does the MC look like a budget Onizuka?* ----- #### **KEEP THIS TORRENT ALIVE FOR YOUR KIDS, PLEASE SEED!** -----

File list

  • [Pajeet] Psychometrer Eiji
    • Covers
      • 4552v1.jpg (308.7 KiB)
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      • 4552v8.jpg (283.7 KiB)
      • 4552v9.jpg (317.9 KiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v01 (1996) [Omanga].cbz (26.6 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v02 (1996) [Omanga].cbz (36.5 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v03 (1996) [Omanga].cbz (31.5 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v04 (1997) [Omanga].cbz (30.4 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v05 (1997) [Omanga].cbz (31.7 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v06 (1997) [Omanga].cbz (24.6 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v07 (1997) [Omanga].cbz (24.4 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v08 (1997) [Omanga].cbz (24.8 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v09 (1998) [Omanga].cbz (25.2 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v10 (1998) [Omanga].cbz (23.3 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v11 (1998) [Omanga].cbz (28.7 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v12 (1998) [Omanga + Yureka Scans].cbz (49.6 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v13 (1998) [Yureka Scans].cbz (61.0 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v14 (1998) [Yureka Scans].cbz (66.6 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v15 (1999) [Yureka Scans].cbz (72.7 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v16 (1999) [Yureka Scans + Forgotten-Scans + Irregular Scans].cbz (70.2 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v17 (1999) [Irregular Scans].cbz (101.1 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v18 (1999) [Irregular Scans].cbz (95.3 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v19 (1999) [Irregular Scans].cbz (104.4 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v20 (1999) [Irregular Scans].cbz (87.1 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v21 (2000) [Irregular Scans].cbz (83.8 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v22 (2000) [Irregular Scans].cbz (99.9 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v23 (2000) [Irregular Scans].cbz (94.6 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v24 (2000) [Irregular Scans].cbz (122.8 MiB)
    • Psychometrer Eiji v25 (2000) [Irregular Scans].cbz (157.0 MiB)
by the same mind that gave us Kindaichi and Bloody Monday..... can't wait to read. Thanks, Pajeet for all the volumes

Pajeet (uploader)

**@[Lingeson](https://nyaa.si/user/Lingeson)** I guess you are mistaken, my friend. Authors behind Kindaichi, Bloody Monday and Psychometrer Eiji are all different people. https://mangadex.org/title/2460/kindaichi-shonen-no-jikenbo https://mangadex.org/title/658/bloody-monday https://mangadex.org/title/4552/psychometrer-eiji
How is this? came across this multiple times but my PTR so big never bothered to add this to the list
@Pajeet the mangaka uses a different name for each different work, His real name is Shin Kibayashi but kor Kinfaichi he used Seimaru Amagi, for Bloody Monday he used Ryō Ryūmon and for Eiji he used Yuma Ando

Pajeet (uploader)

**@[RiasatSenpai](https://nyaa.si/user/RiasatSenpai)** if you are looking for a slightly different detective/mystery manga with some hilarious comedy, you might like this... **@[Lingeson](https://nyaa.si/user/Lingeson)** holy shit I didn't know about that! The dude's an absolute madlad!
yup thankyou for that info @lingeson! i didn't know about this as well! https://myanimelist.net/people/1886/Shin_Kibayashi
Can you do Usogui please, cant see any good uploads. Plus your format of uploading is very nice, must have been hard uploading a single series with this format and mega files (love your work because I'm a Mega only download). Thanks for your hard work. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=11189

Pajeet (uploader)

**@[masterred35](https://nyaa.si/user/masterred35)** Usogui is already here - https://nyaa.si/view/1296862 Sadly, no MEGA link
Can anyone provide City hunter please
Anyone have the issue/ solved the issue where the thumbnails of your CBZ/CBR files don't show on Windows File Explorer? It was working for me fine and then it wasn't. Tried many things/ online solutions...nothing worked

Pajeet (uploader)

**@[AkaHummingBird](https://nyaa.si/user/AkaHummingBird)** City Hunter is still being scanlated. Will be uploaded once completed... https://mangadex.org/title/321/city-hunter **@[RiasatSenpai](https://nyaa.si/user/RiasatSenpai)** there are several ways to fix this, but the easiest is to install K-Lite Codec Pack and enable CBR/CBZ thumbnail generation while installing.
damn that worked quite easily thank you @Pajeet
Thanks! What are next on your list? @Pajeet

Pajeet (uploader)

**@[Hayder2](https://nyaa.si/user/Hayder2)** in the next few days I'll be uploading the Bloody Monday Trilogy, Beelzebub, Bokutachi ga Yarimashita, Blaster Knuckle and a few more... Also, welcome! **@[SupaJag12](https://nyaa.si/user/SupaJag12)** welcome and enjoy ^_^