Here is all of the ISOs for the infamous 4Kids dub of One Piece that were released on DVD. These are pretty rare nowadays with a few being expensive and some being out of stock online. I believe this is worth preserving. Enjoy!
Edit: In case no one is seeding, download from here:
Comments - 32
Delete this and never ever post it again. No human should ever be allowed to watch this. It is the most insulting americanised shit of a absolutely fantastic anime.
implying OP is a fantastic anime - LUL
Android21isBae (uploader)
If it wasn’t for 4Kids, I probably would have never cared about One Piece. You know you love the theme song. You probably remember all the words.
Oh god… It’s one of the most censored anime ever adapted in America.
Wow this is interesting material, thanks for sharing!
Kek. One Piece 4kids. Of course it’s worth preserving. Just for the sake of the meme.
Android21isBae (uploader)
@Mysticus I sure enjoyed it until I understood that it was censored. lol!
@Ichi-656 No problem!
@Ingenioussubs Of course. Plus apparently it has never been done.
I should be able to seed this until 9:40p.m. eastern time. I’ll be back to seed all day tomorrow when I come back home. It’ll be great if one of you reach 100% to let the others finish downloading too before then.
One more reason to delet it. Jokes aside, that’s definitely something new.
Android21isBae (uploader)
@Usagiaddict I like to think there’s many One Piece fans from the US that started with the 4Kids dub. I never had access to the original version nor knew of its existence when I was younger until later on when the dub got replaced.
i’m downloading this, solely to burn it on dvd and toss it into the fireplace this christmas. Thanks.
Android21isBae (uploader)
@hinotoumei No problem.
Thanks for this. Even though I am a fan of the FUNimation English Dub for One Piece, this 4kids dub was how I discovered One Piece and fell in love with it. Downloading this for the nostalgia factor. Cheers mate.
Dreamin’! Don’t give it up, Luffy!
Dreamin’! Don’t give it up, Zolo!
Dreamin’! Don’t give it up, Nami!
Don’t give it give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it UP!
This is good. We need to preserve more stuff especially hard to get ones before it’s gone forever.
Android21isBae (uploader)
@PrinceOtaku No problem. That was how I discovered the show too. I used to watch Kids WB every Saturday morning, but when I decided to turn the channel to FOX 5, I was greeted with a rap song that would instantly make me a fan lol! Take care!
Android21isBae (uploader)
Here’s how the story goes
We find out about a treasure in the Grand Line
There’s no doubt, the pirate whose eye is on it
He’ll sing I’ll be king of the pirates
I’m gonna be king
Holy fuck thank you!! I was trying to hunt them down but some were too expensive. Think I can delete my old tvrips now. Might hold onto them just in case…
Android21isBae (uploader)
@jillvalentine No problem! I think you should continue to hold onto them. 4Kids only released the first 52 episodes of the show on DVD. Your TV rips may hold some value, especially if they contain commercials.
trae el doblaje latino?
Yeah, I didn’t realize this wasn’t all the eps. I have 104 tv rips. Not the best quality and no commercials. I’ll probably just hold onto them.
@Android21isBae Hey. Speaking of 4 kids and your Chinese Bleach DVDs , do you happen to have R4 DVDs ( Or non American releases ) for 4kids best show ever ? TMNT 2003 , I mean . Furthermore , is there Chinese releases for all of the seasons of that show other than the first two Mandarin-dubbed ones ?
Thank you .
Android21isBae (uploader)
@The-goodMan1994 I do not. Sorry.
Oh, cool.
Thanks for the up. Good this’ll be seeded for s while longer.
Android21isBae (uploader)
@Impakt: No problem. Since I went through the trouble to buy all the DVDs, I’ll seed this as long as I can.
Nice don’t have to watch those low quality Toonami recordings anymore.
Any chance to upload another one that isn’t corrupted?
Semillas por favor
Android21isBae (uploader)
I have stopped seeding this. If you want to download this, go here:
Android21isBae (uploader)
New link for 4Kids One Piece DVD ISOs.
"This item is no longer available.
Items may be taken down for various reasons, including by decision of the uploader or due to a violation of our Terms of Use."
Reupload, pls
Thank you very much