Nearly 13 months since I started on my second ever typesetting project. I’m a massive fan of this franchise, and I was so sad no one did a proper release for this show… so I did what I could. I’ve learned a ton from working on this, and very special shout out to everyone in GJM channel for their help and advice.
I Probably should have had this season wrapped up in nearly half the time, but between getting a new job right around when I started this project, Covid, Symphogear XDU EN (RIP) MagiRecord En (RIP), general procrastination, and constant revisions, the delays were just endless. Hopefully Season 3 doesn’t take me nearly as long.
I’m sure there are still gonna be some errors in this release, one day when I get access to the BDs I’ll probably use that as an excuse to fix them. I haven’t done my usual ‘Sit down and watch the episodes all the way through’ QC check, but I did look through all the episodes again today and mistakes should be minimal. Also, make sure you’re using MPV.
For this release I used Revue Stoplight’s airing release as a base, which is HorribleSubs with added lyrics and dialogue changes to fit the translations from the game. I periodically tweaked some dialogue further myself, and did a lot of rewriting the English lyrics in the songs from Episode 13 and Kizuna Music.
I’m glad to finally have this behind me honestly, and looking forward to continuing work on Sleepy Princess, and I’ll be starting on D4DJ when that airs. I’ll start work again on S3 after D4DJ ends.
As always, for any questions, comments, or abuse: My Discord is Swiftarm#8616
Also? What does this ‘Complete’ tag do? Anything? Hmm…
Comments - 11
are you planning to s3 soon? Btw thabks for the release
Finally a good batch of this series to archive. Thank you for the release!
Rand sucks.
Then again, so does BanDorCG.
the_swizzler (uploader)
"I’ll start work again on S3 after D4DJ ends."
You’re welcome! Hope it satisfies!
All Bandori’s good, but yeah, Season 1 was so much better IMO.
oh your also doing d4dj nice are you going to upload weekly or wait for bds
the_swizzler (uploader)
I’ll be trying to do it Weekly. This is my first time doing two weekly shows though (second time doing any weekly shows), so we’ll see how I hold up.
Thanks! Waiting for S3!
Beautiful typesetting, thank you so much for your work!
so where’s season 1?
the_swizzler (uploader)
For season 1, I would just recommend getting Doki’s release.
One day I might do a Bluray release of S1 and just modify Doki’s subs for it, but for now I’m satisfied that their release exists.