The five Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 trailers that currently exist, with English subs (for the on-screen text, there’s no dialogue) and better audio (especially for NEWSFLASH 3). I also cropped the videos from 16:9 to their actual aspect ratios.
Video source: YouTube (1, 2, 2.5: KING RECORDS; 2’, 3: khara inc.official)
Audio source: Evangelion: 3.0 OST [FLAC] (1, 3), Evangelion 25th ANNIVERSARY BOX (2, 2.5, 2’; ripped from YouTube because I don’t have that soundtrack)
Subtitles: by me (fonts are embedded in the files)
Track structure:
Track 1: AVC video
Track 2: FLAC audio
Track 3: Original AAC or Opus audio
Track 4: English subtitles (localized title i.e. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time)
Track 5: English subtitles (unlocalized title i.e. New Evangelion Theatrical Version:||)
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