Recovery of an MMO Junkie (ネト充のススメ) [1920x1080p x264 8bit]

2020-09-09 08:58
No information.
File size:
2.3 GiB
Info hash:

This isn’t my original release. I took this release from [Arukoru] and converted it from 10bit to 8bit, for personal use.
I then decided to share it with you all. If you have any suggestions I’ll gladly take them, as I am a complete amateur.

I used Handbrake and MKVToolNix. Other than converting the files from [x265 10bit] to [x264 8bit], I only removed the English audio track.

Just keep in mind that the quality won’t be the best, as this reencode was made with a mobile video player in mind. I just uploaded it to save you some time in case you were looking for the same thing, which is: no lag from a 10bit mkv, and a relatively smaller size, if you plan to watch this on your phone.


edit: My deepest apologies, but it seems there were some issues with the file for EPISODE 4.
Here is the 2nd version <m(_ _)m>

P.S.: even if Nyaa doesn’t show it, I’m still seeding this(albeit with not so stellar speeds). It’s probably because it lists me(and possibly others) as partial seeders(=leechers) because we’re not seeding episode 4, as it’s broken. I wanna thank everyone who’s still seeding <3

File list

  • Recovery of an MMO Junkie (ネト充のススメ) [1920x1080p x264 8bit]
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 1.mkv (248.8 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 10.mkv (191.8 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 2.mkv (254.9 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 3.mkv (229.7 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 4.mkv (173.7 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 5.mkv (226.9 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 6.mkv (197.8 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 7.mkv (199.0 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 8.mkv (206.1 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - 9.mkv (200.6 MiB)
    • Recovery of an MMO Junkie - OVA.mkv (219.4 MiB)
    • info.txt (252 Bytes)

This show is pretty good! Definitely worth watching!

Still waiting for magia record encode ?

I used Handbrake and MKVToolNix. Other than converting the files from [x265 10bit] to [x264 8bit], I only removed the English audio track

LMAO does this dude know what he did??? Pure meme material.

RandoT (uploader)


I’m afraid I don’t. I struggled for several days just to figure out how to convert the files, as the drag and drop method didn’t seem to work.

You need to encode a file from a higher source.what you did here is the reverse work xd.see some forum regarding encoding in searching google at the begining level one

RandoT (uploader)


I mean, all I wanted was to avoid lag and those ugly artifacts when playing the episodes on my phone.
Getting them to 8bit seems to have worked just fine. It took about 2h per episode to convert, and I wanted to save people some time by sharing them here.
What is it that I am missing?

You just ruined the file some article before ruining a file & converting x265 to x264 is the most stupid thing to do

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Give the guy a break. 10 bit is a higher source than 8 bit and the files came out smaller in the end. To the OP, seeing as this dude is willing to criticize but not actually say exactly what you did wrong, specifically, don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. Seems you set out to make the files compatible with your phone, which you did, and saved others in your position the same, which you also succeeded with.

Generally when a file is compressed from the original source rip to 265, it loses some of its quality, same for 264, so going from 265 to 264 would result in a more noticeable or at least a mathematically significant loss in quality. Guy commenting doesn’t seem to have read your description and thinks everyone needs to upload perfect quality encodes. It’s true if you wanna upload on the regular you should do some more research, but blind criticism isn’t helpful to anyone. And random commenter, I don’t think you criticizing them is stupid, I just think for everyone there would be better ways we can communicate that doesn’t make the person feel small.

Thanks for the upload.

RandoT (uploader)


You make it seem like I didn’t do any research before starting this project. I did. I read a lot of stuff and watched YouTube videos, but my keywords when searching were simply “10bit mkv to 8bit”. None seemed to have mentioned the quality loss from x265 to x264; it didn’t even seem like a possibility to not convert this aspect of the file.

Now, with what you’ve told me, I made a different search and found out that it would be necessary to increase the file size to retain the video quality, and that it would take even more time to process.
Considering that this was a personal project for personal use, that my PC is 9 years old and was using 100% of the CPU to convert a single file(while taking about 2h to do so), and that for its intended purpose(playing them on a phone) there doesn’t seem to be any perceivable quality loss, I’d say I’m fairly content with the result.

Sure, had I had more experience, and a better PC, I maybe should’ve done things differently, but for the moment this will do. I will add a disclaimer though.
Thanks for the help.

RandoT (uploader)


Thank you @Aestheticsul <3

Saying 10 bit > 8 bit & forgot to mention the video codec ?
And saying someone researched in you tube for encoding ?

Deepest apologies for my ignorance Senpai, looking forward to your high quality uploads x

Some esl unable to complete a coherent sentence is the real meme material.
Knows enough english to spout criticism, but not enough (and probably not enough knowledge) to provide details or genuine help, Classic™.

Knows enough english to spout criticism, but not enough (and probably not enough knowledge) to provide details or genuine help

Just like every other nyaa user.

when one has no intention on searching on google it’s enough to say he won’t either,
there are countless of forums are available on hanbrake on google especially doom9, videohelp & wiki
And again x265 to x264 isn’t called a proper encode rather ruinning a file what 10 bit depth to is reduce the banding & some other thing doesn’t mean it’s better source to encode x265 to x264


Oh my shitting shit. Please say no more. My brain hurts now. Trying to criticize this, and you can’t even get your point across. I would never download this, but thank god it’s not the HDR meme. Calling people meme material… Really would like to see your stupendous work. Otherwise, you’re just talking out of your ass.

RandoT (uploader)


Hey guys, I don’t know where else to ask, so I’ll ask here.
A while ago I downloaded the [HorribleSubs] release of “Kono oto tomare”, but I was a little frustrated in seeing that there was no batch; not here nor on their site.
Do you think it would be appreciated if I took initiative and made a batch for that? I don’t really know much about torrent etiquette.

I mean yeah, go ahead and do it. HS won’t care. Just name it an unofficial batch.

RandoT (uploader)
