Haikyuu!! OADs 01-03 WEB-RIP 1080P

2020-09-07 20:03 UTC
No information.
File size:
679.8 MiB
Info hash:
DVD vs WEB http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/7YKPWNNX http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/91F21NNU http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/7YKPGNNX there are some extra dialogs in the end, just ignore it, it's from DVD promos VIDEO: VP9 (Youtube) AUDIO: AC3 (DVD) SUBS: 1-2 (commie subs) 3 (CC Youtube)

File list

    • português brasil subs
      • Haikyuu!! Ova 01-Lev Genzan!.ass (32.4 KiB)
      • Haikyuu!! Ova 02-vs. Akaten.ass (30.6 KiB)
      • Haikyuu!! Ova 03-Tokushuu! Haru-kou Volley ni Kaketa Seishun.srt (22.2 KiB)
    • Haikyuu!! Ova 01-Lev Genzan!.ass (38.4 KiB)
    • Haikyuu!! Ova 01-Lev Genzan!.mkv (216.7 MiB)
    • Haikyuu!! Ova 02-vs. Akaten.ass (31.6 KiB)
    • Haikyuu!! Ova 02-vs. Akaten.mkv (196.4 MiB)
    • Haikyuu!! Ova 03-Tokushuu! Haru-kou Volley ni Kaketa Seishun.mkv (266.5 MiB)
    • Haikyuu!! Ova 03-Tokushuu! Haru-kou Volley ni Kaketa Seishun.srt (22.2 KiB)
just because someone upscales the video and puts it on youtube doesn't not make it an upscale wtf

israelsilva1989 (uploader)

it's not an upscale, they are indeed HD. there is no better source than this. it's not someone, it's from Ani-One medialink Group official channel
well your comparisons are shit then because they don't make it look any sharper
anyway it's on animetosho now and it looks legit which is cool
actually, upon looking closer, the web video is very poorly encoded and has a bunch of duplicate or skipped frames, so it's pretty much useless. at least there's the subs for the third OAD.
OVA 1 & 2 are missing fonts from commie, OVA 2's subtitles are slightly out of sync (late), and all 3 are missing chapters. Other than that, there seems to be better visual clarity and less artifacts present, but at the expense of some minor detail loss. Overall a more enjoyable full-screen watching experience and probably suitable archival replacement, plus nice to finally have OVA 3 subbed. Very quick and simple frame comparison for OVA1. Right click and view images in a new tab for a larger view to compare. http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/7YWD7NNX http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/910JFNNU
did you miss the part how there are missing and duplicated frames constantly because they fucked up the decimation? just look at any pan. it's way worse than competent DVD encodes that didn't mess up the decimation. also the official subs for the s3 OAD are awful lol. like literally missing punctuation and shit.
> did you miss the part how there are missing and duplicated frames Where are you noticing this? I compared OVA1 one frame progressing at a time on some panning scenes from both releases and didn't find any duplicated or missing frames -- they were identical. I did notice the dvd encode's bitrate is less smeary in some single motion frames (1 frame) (commie frame 9769, web frame 9747), but for the most part looks fine when playback is in motion. http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/7YWDWNNX Since I and I assume most others watch anime in fullscreen, the lower resolution and visual artifacts present in the dvd encode are far more distracting and detrimental to quality. > also the official subs for the s3 OAD are awful lol. like literally missing punctuation and shit. Then stop stalling and get on it herkz. ;) Raws have been available for years.
>Where are you noticing this? consider the pan at 2:10 in the first episode with lev holding the cat. there are skipped frames, so it's really not smooth. you can find similar scenes in the other two episodes. >Then stop stalling and get on it herkz. ;) Raws have been available for years. have you watched it? it's a recap. it's not really worth bothering a translator with. that's mostly why i haven't (and probably no one else has) subbed it yet.
> 2:10 in the first episode with lev holding the cat. there are skipped frames It has the exact same number of frames as the dvd encode without any duplicates or missing. Panning one frame at a time with MPV and comparing both. Maybe something is wrong with your setup or player? > have you watched it? it’s a recap. I have. There are still some new scenes and interview segments, so not entirely a full recap.
>Maybe something is wrong with your setup or player? actually i just realized it's probably because it's vp9 and what i was using to try to sync the dvd audio doesn't have the best support for it. watching it in a video player, it's actually fine. funnily enough. >I have. There are still some new scenes and interview segments, so not entirely a full recap. well most people aren't gonna sub something that's like 300 lines for the <50 that are "new" if you can even call them that (since the characters are just playing along with the concept of the episode).

israelsilva1989 (uploader)

I dont care about fonts or whatever, my only complain is to understand the dialogs. download commie and extract it yourself, this is basically raw episodes, the subs are free to edit, i am not a specialist, my synchro is based on portuguese subs, my native language.
Please RE-Seed !!! I'm getting 1.5 kbps I don't care the late sync tho but I will be glad if I can able to watch this if someone help to RE-Seed **(~, ~")**
Thanks a lot! Since I got hard time getting this **(~, ~")** Imma go SEED this until i got 1:00 ratio
Hello you asked for seed > [Team246] Ghost in the shell Stand alone complex S01 [BDREMUX MULTi DTSHDMA 5.1][VOSTFR] https://uptobox.com/user_public?hash=537d05b9b21c4cbb&folder=4070047844