Welcome friends to my stitched fragmention madness. As a CTR admirer I have this internal need to find the best quality releases out there or mux/encode them myself. The age old question is, why did I do this for something I haven't even watched? You heard right I saw nothing. The short answer is I’m a madman that just seeing a poster from one of the animes in the series would lead me to do it. Now for the long version: The story starts in an anime YouTuber’s discord server. I just lurking around looking at the meme channels and rarely branching out to the main ones. It just so happens that this one time I peeked in, a guy posted a banner and a few pics of a anime without saying its name. So I did just as anyone would to find out what it was so a reverse image search I did. It wasn’t as quick as I would had hoped but at lest it gave me a name to search on MAL. This is when I found out about something and this anime was one of those animes like Case Closed with all kinds of spin offs. “OH Great” I thought to myself, then I proceeded to NYAA to look things up while hoping to someone made a pack already. This is when I learned about something else that made things harder… This anime has two names basically “Muyou!” and “Muyo!” making searching for variations annoying. But by then if their was a complete pack I would have found it by now. So I moved to my contacts, I hit up Golumpa’s discord asking around if anyone had it all. Sadly no one did, however some NOOBS tried to point me in the right direction but all that did was lead me on a wild goose chase (XDCC). While this was going on a few people showed interest in the anime. Then Doc said he’ll try to find some himself… but this was short lived and forgot about it the next day (baka). I learned about this when I asked if he had any luck the following day. This is when we jokingly made a deal if I tracked everything down and made a torrent he’ll watch “A Place Further than the Universe” (good anime btw). The Game is ON NOW… thus marks the start of this grand project. Got on AniDB and got to work tracking things down. Big thanks to animebytes as most on this torrent came from there and the rest came from nyaa. FYI BakaBT only had like 3 out of the 20 and animetorrents had like one… So not good sources for old anime.
(Link to the Poster https://otakudesho.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/tenchi-muyo-1.jpg )
Notes for V2: I spent too many hours on this project as most of it was dealing with “Tenchi in Tokyo”. Koby got me the JDVDs but I failed to encode something close to Saier release’s quality. So in the end I gave up and just used it, let's hope the nyaa mods understand. But the JDVD wasn’t all wasted as I used it’s DUB (yes it had the English dub don’t ask me why and it was better than the USDVD). But syncing that thing was a headache as It had different delays for all them episodes. So I had to go one by one and sync the whole thing reeeee. In the end I want to say thanks to @bob209 and @Jeff50 for finding errors in my past release for I would have missed them.
P.S. I have no good idea of where to start so enjoy https://anidb.net/anime/409/relation/graph
P.S. When that https://myanimelist.net/anime/40097 is finished airing I will probably update the torrent.
P.S. There’s only two which do not have dubs and its marked with "sub_only".
P.S. I did not touch any release’s file names that I did not mux or change.
Other: I chose not to include Battle Programmer Shirase as it was too much of an other. "Crossovers" from a different family is not Tenchi Muyou!/Muyo! in my view.
Other: Also yeah no OST in this because that's another hell that I rather not go through. Sorry.
Post v2 fixes: https://mega.nz/file/SNNBQAgB#h8icsGJRy6Tn0JNa_YXYCK_FOs1gZmmdIaC_ngMP_xw <-- Fixes Tenchi Muyo! GXP EP 1 sync.
For Magical Project S (1996) (a741) sxales synced the subs to the bd, you can get it here https://nyaa.si/view/1274186 . Also had no idea the guy uploaded it a few hours after this torrent lol. It was brought to my attention a few months after. Will be in v3 when https://myanimelist.net/anime/40097 is done.
Changelog: v2
-|1: added the missing episode of Sasami Magical Girls Club.
-|2: added the missing dub for Tenchi Muyo! GXP.
-|3: replaced Magical Project S's vob subs with srt. If somone want's to resync them to the BD you have my blessing.
-|4: replaced Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi in Tokyo's video and audio to something better.
-|5: added Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (1992) extras.
-|6: added Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (2003) extras.
-|7: fixed Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures ep 14 dub sync.
Coming from the old torrent recheck Guide: <------------------ READ ME <-------------------
-|1: remove "Magical Project S (1996) (a741) [EngelGroup] sub_only"
-|2: remove "Tenchi Muyo! GXP (2002) (a358) [EightBit]"
-|3: remove "Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi in Tokyo (1997) (a337) [DarkDream]"
-|4: remove "Sasami Magical Girls Club (2006) (a4116) [RaX&E-D]" or rename the files https://pastebin.com/f4kLJx7k
Official Title (some tweaked) | year | anidb | group
Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar (2009) (a6304) [Raizel]
I have no comparisons for Raizel (lazy) but from what I saw its better than DHD (20GB) and Final8 (22GB).
Tenchi Muyou! The Daughter of Darkness (1997) (a375) [deanzel]
deanzel (4GB) vs Koten_Gars (13GB) http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=4441
Tenchi Muyou! in Love (1996) (a359) [deanzel]
Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2 (1999) (a376) [deanzel]
Tenchi Muyou! Bangaihen Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure (1994) (a759) [Doki&sxales]
Doki with sxales’s dub
Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Universe (1995) (a409) [Kuraze]
Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi in Tokyo (1997) (a337) [Saier&404]
Saier with dub taken from JDVD/ISO (yeah jap had the better dub) by yours truly. ISOs provied by Koby.
DBNL vs DarkDream http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=4437
DarkDream vs Saier http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=3393&comparisonId=23496&imageNum=1
Also I failed in trying to make somthing close to Saier video quality so nyaa please let this one slide.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (2016) (a11715) [Koten_Gars] sub_only
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki (2003) (a2510) [Koten_Gars]
Extras by Koten_Gars.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (1994) (a2509) [Doki&sxales]
Doki with audio taken from sxales
Doki vs sxales http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=4438
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (1992-93) (a205) (a2508) [deanzel]
Extras by Koten_Gars & sxales.
Tenchi Muyo! GXP (2002) (a358) [EightBit&404]
E-D vs EightBit vs DarkDream http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=4442
The dub taken from DVD/ISO by yours truly.
Ai Tenchi Muyou! (a10727) [404]
Encoded by yours truly. The best quality without that BD size but still big. At lest its better quality than sxales.
BD vs mine http://compare.bakashots.me/compare.php?setId=4440
If you sill do not like that quality drop then you can always get the BD here https://nyaa.si/view/1145218
Photon The Idiot Adventures (1997) (a139) [Kuraze]
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures (1999) (a82) [km&sxales]
km with sxales’s dub and subs.
Thanks to that one seed in https://nyaa.si/view/802988 because E-D, DH, a-s, and anime-takeover all had problems with quality and chopped video.
-------------------------------- MAGIC LANDS --------------------------------
Well I meant complete and you’ll get it.
Magical Project S (1996) (a741) [EngelGroup&mastress] sub_only
EngelGroup with mastress srt subs from opensubtitles.com
Also I do know about that ReinForce BD rip but… It’ll require subs to be re-synced which I do not have the patience to do.
sxales synced the subs to the bd, you can get it here https://nyaa.si/view/1274186
Sasami Magical Girls Club (2006) (a4116) [RaX&E-D]
E-D chopped part of the video so RaX was used instead then muxed with E-D’s AC3 Audio.
Sasami Magical Girls Club 2 (2006) (a4619) [RaX&E-D]
E-D chopped part of the video so RaX was used instead then muxed with E-D’s AC3 Audio.
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (1995) (a1075) [Koten_Gars]
> P.S. I have no good idea of where to start so enjoy
I haven't watched any of the Tenchi series yet but, I have seen Dual! and Photon and didn't feel like I was missing anything. So you safe if you just want to watch the spin-off series.
Here is a chart I found which might help: https://imgur.com/sbFz29O
I've only spot checked a few but it seems the first GXP episode has an audio issue. If I set the audio to 1.5 seconds earlier its perfect. I'll check some more.
Absolutely blessed upload. I know exactly what a pain in the ass it was to find all these, and to do it having never watched any of it is dedication. If you want to do a V3, I have laserdisk copies of the OST and some the early OVA that I can seed, as well as some of the CD drama audio.
>This anime has two names basically “Muyou!” and “Muyo!” making searching for variations annoying.
Just 'Tenchi' should have been sufficient.
> I have no good idea of where to start
Obviously it is safe to start with 1992-1993 and 1994 OVA. That's when and where it all started.
BTW, along with "Ranma 1/2" and "Oh My Goddess!" "Tenchi" is the classics and the groundwork of the harem genre.
And yes, stricktly speaking, Photon and Dual are not a part of the mediafranchise.
Thanks for the updated pack:) , there is LaserDisc extras too, but they are all "raw" :)
And a stupid question, is it possible to copy this big folder to an external hard drive?^^
Based and cool uploaders have included it as an ordinarily numbered episode. I just go off of how MAL labels things. And I should know by now. They are not. The best. When it comes to vulchers like me.
I will be seeding this for. A very long time, probably until my hardware is removed from a power supply due to me being dead... Tenchi is my all time most cherished media franchise. It is so very special and dear to my heart. Just keep it seeding for the next two months, and I'll have my new toys running. Until then I can't spare bandwidth or local storage space to get a copy now. Just got a new job and blew my disposable income.
This is an insane amount of work for free. This is dedication. Thanks for providing me the means to re-watch the anime that started it all for me. Watched the original Toonami run of Tenchi Muyo! back in the early 2000s and that is the first anime I ever saw, and I was hooked ever since!
@Gentou76 I think the OVA series you're referring to is 'Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (1992-93) (a205) (a2508) [deanzel]'?
It's in the torrent.
Then watch 'Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (1994) (a2509) [Doki&sxales]' which is the second part.
Everything seems to be here.
Thank you, ACCM.
If you are going to go "mega completist" on this Pioneer-ish Tenchi + anything remotely related, I would add:
El Hazard, the Magnificent World (actually not bad)
Moldiver, one of my guilty pleasures ;-)
I am working on finding these myself, I actually have the LDs though ;-)
Comments - 31
ACCM (uploader)
ACCM (uploader)
ACCM (uploader)
ACCM (uploader)
ACCM (uploader)
ACCM (uploader)