Synopsis: This anime series produced by Gonzo, was first aired on April 3, 2000.
The year is 1969, Earth is under the attack of the Invaders. To the secret organization, A.E.G.I.S., the threat is very real, and it is up to AEGIS to stop this invasion. The only hope is a group of teenagers with the special ability to open ‘Gates’ that let them harness elemental powers gated from another dimension. On his morning route to high school, Ukiya Shun observes a battle between a young girl and a group of Invaders. He ends up helping her and discovers that like the girl, he possesses the ability to generate a gate of special power that only a few other people are gifted with. Ukiya then joins A.E.G.I.S. in an effort to recruit other Gate Keepers, fight the invaders, and protect Japan. It just so happens that the girl is also his once lost romance from elementary school! Also, keep your eye out for the pretty mystery girl as the series progresses.
Source: Anime Planet, My Anime List, Wikipedia (Edited Patjantess)
Genres: Comedy, Action, Mecha, sci fi
Themes: Aliens, School life, Superpowers,love polygon
Links: Anime Planet ,Anidb,,, Anime Encyclopedia
Video: Bitdepth: 8 Bit
Resolution: 720x480
Framerate: 29.976 FPS (Constant), Overall Bitrate 2540 kb/s
Encoder: HEVCx265, Container: (MKV,v4)
Scan Type: Progressive (De-interlaced, Filtered)
Source R1 DVDs (Pioneer Signature Series)
Audio:[Dual]Japanese 2Ch (Default), English 2ch
Format: AC-3, 48 kHz, Sampling 192 kb/s, Stereo
Channel(s): 2 channels
3 Sub Files/Format: [Patjantess]Eng/ASS (Default), [Patjantess]Eng/SRT, Eng/VOBSUB,
Attachments: Leelawad.ttf
Source files: DVD VOBS (New OCR’s)
Language: English SoftSub
Note: There are clean openings/ending muxed in on episodes 1-4,11-24. I added the disc extras. If you don’t want them at all, just uncheck them in your torrent download and save 750K.
After a lot of complaints, I checked MS Player with CCCP and this runs like crap on it. I don’t no why. My other H265 encodes were OK, RUN VLC and it’s just fine, or some cheap player box and it’s good too.
Comments - 13
Are you going to do season 2 as well?
Patjantess (uploader)
Yes, Thanks Moses
Awesome! I’ll be waiting for that too!
It looks more clean but at the same time worse than the Exilded-Destiny version, it have to much interlacing glitches.
im confused… HEVC x265 (720p) but you info says Resolution: 720x480 not 1280x720p
Patjantess (uploader)
Media info says 720x480 (Width 720, Height 480)
This will give you detailed info on just about any video file
@Patjantess If your encode is 720x480p your heading should say this…
[Patjantess] Gate Keepers DVD_Dual Audio_Eng Subs_HEVCx265(480p)_2000
thanks for sharing.
bad qualiy. worse than old dvd encodes
Patjantess (uploader)
I’m not sure what your problem is with these two encodes. I would replace them if I also though they were bad. You bad mouthed these right out of the gate. They run fine with no glitches on my cheap player and fine on my other four PC’s If you don’t like them, just find another encode. No harm done. Possibly a player? I use VLC most of the time for playback.
hi Patjantess, something wrong with gatekeepers and frame is shake . because it encoding and hope fix the issue .
Patjantess (uploader)
Can you give me any specific episode and timestamp perhaps? Simply saying it is encoding isn’t telling me much. I use VLC on my PC and I have a couple of Android player boxes. These ran OK. They are not just disc rips, I did encodes from scratch. For example, you have clean endings and openings muxed in so you don’t always have the credits in the way, re timed OCRs with readable fonts is ASS and SRT Etc. I’m willing to give you a new encode if you can show me any serious problems.
The thing is you used standard presets that makes hevc look terrible. You should tune hevc avoiding sao and using slow presets.
Patjantess (uploader)
These are old anime. I de-interlace and filter in two separate steps. Using Media-info will not really show you much about how this encode was done.