[UQW] Aria the Animation [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC]

2020-08-17 00:53
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  • Eng Subtitles from : SallySubs.

File list

  • [UQW] Aria the Animation [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC]
    • Eng-Subtitles
      • Fonts
        • Antipasto-ExtraBoldTrial.ttf (339.0 KiB)
        • ArnoPro-Caption.otf (390.6 KiB)
        • ArtificeSSK.ttf (49.3 KiB)
        • Artifika-Regular.ttf (46.2 KiB)
        • COPILB.ttf (69.7 KiB)
        • Calligrapher Regular.ttf (39.2 KiB)
        • CandelaBold.otf (25.8 KiB)
        • CandelaBook.otf (25.1 KiB)
        • ChartIt_Normal.ttf (36.4 KiB)
        • CronosPro-Semibold.ttf (107.2 KiB)
        • CronosPro-SemiboldIt.otf (132.4 KiB)
        • DFMrg9_2.ttc (3.7 MiB)
        • DFPLeiSho-SB.ttf (43.3 KiB)
        • DFPSNGyosho-W5-CP-Spec.ttf (296.0 KiB)
        • ITCKRIST.TTF (58.3 KiB)
        • Simple Kind Of Girl.ttf (39.3 KiB)
        • Under.ttf (58.7 KiB)
        • ufonts.com_calligraph421-bt-roman.ttf (57.8 KiB)
        • ufonts.com_carrefoursans-bolditalic-opentype.otf (37.1 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep01 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (38.1 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep02 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (45.0 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep03 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (40.5 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep04 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (39.6 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep05 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (41.1 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep06 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (33.4 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep07 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (42.0 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep08 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (387.1 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep09 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (43.2 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep10 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (477.5 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep11 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (43.5 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep12 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (47.1 KiB)
      • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep13 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].ass (47.4 KiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep01 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep02 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep03 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (803.0 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep04 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (835.9 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep05 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (905.8 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep06 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (795.8 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep07 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (851.7 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep08 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (806.0 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep09 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (692.7 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep10 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (881.5 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep11 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (908.2 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep12 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (883.2 MiB)
    • [UQW] Aria the Animation - Ep13 [BDRip 720p AVC-YUV420P10 FLAC].mkv (740.0 MiB)

Did you use the JPBD or the USBD?

According to the comparison encoded looks essentially worse than the source.

Paraexo (uploader)


it’s a JPBD version.

I’m prrety sure you are talking about the relative blurriness, take another wise look and do not get influenced by it, remember it’s a 720p vs 1080p bd, the sharpness on the source is fake because the anime is basically drawn on 480p, so the studio just bombed the DVDs with filters which gave as result lot of ringing haloing aliasing artifacts problems, and which you can’t tottaly fix without downscaling, so using charpeners on that will produce the same problems, you might understand what i am talking about if you check this Comparison

it’s a JPBD version.

Shame, USBD by Nozomi is much better for Aria.

Paraexo (uploader)


Hmm, as the most of all USBDs, on the aria USBD there was an illogical increase of brightness, i didn’t like that.

Thank you for explaining.

@Ryuuneko Just read this and ignore what the uploader wrote. http://www.nozomientertainment.com/aria-video-comparison/

The japanese bd release used qtec which destroys details. The US version is the better version. Further, some DVD’s sources when released on BD referring to the Japanese release have increase brightness. I have such a source so does that automatically make the BD worse? Definitely not because the BD release has increased color, detail, etc that was not on the DVD. It’s ridiculous to believe that the increase contrast = worse.

In addition, I believe somebody did an upscale of the original DVD and compared it to the qtec Japanese version and looked better against it. If only I could remember where I saw it to illustrate the point further.

@warui so can you link me a better release of this anime?

Paraexo (uploader)


Brightness doesn’t mean good quality aswell, let’s not make shallowness comparisons, you should watch the show just how the original maker made it, of course nozomi will not show the downsides, like almost the whole show is affected by haloing effects which make it looks brighter, and i can’t call the textures on the comparisons you did send details, it’s more like some sharpened small textures. so i think and for me, fixing edges on JPBD is better, and if i want to use any sharpener to increase the details level i would use it on my own, in a way doesn’t show lot of halos like the USBD did.

About what you asked for on the other publication, i will make a bunch of comparisons with sally’s release tonight if i had enough time, this is a simple x6 zoomed one for aria the animation, check it from here

Very late reply. While you’re focused on brightness for some reason I am focused on detail’s being restored.
You’ll have to prove this halo’ing as if it’s excessive. Halo’ing only effects the edges not the entire image.

Further, you didn’t bother to attempt a clean up so the details can be kept instead opting to keep the inferior JP BDMV with it’s washed out details and artifact inducing line art. and carried over DVD contrast.

Further, you only spotted that little girl but the other 2 girls present in that screenshot don’t have that hard to tell halo’ing.

Supposedly having a very hard to tell halo on 1 of the characters and a bit in her background solely = US BDMV are inferior. That would be just absurd. Also, if you used filters already to go against an unfiltered US BDMV that would be an unfair comparison since I doubt the JP BDMV had AA on it applied when I look at Nozomi’s images of the JP BDMV.

For those interested Nozomi included a 1080p comparison you can see for yourself and this supposed halo Paraexo says is present. https://www.nozomientertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ARIA_screen_compare.zip

Paraexo (uploader)


Why are you complaning so hard, what a joke! try to make your own comparisons instead of sharing the ones made by ths studio itself.
I’m not sure if you already know that but, no one here is getting paid for his encodes, i liked the JPBD more and i told you why, but you are still wasting my time and your time with those large comments, so let’s say it somehow else, this is my desire, you didn’t pay me so it’s not your business.
This is a Japanese BDRip version, if you like the USBD more, why not making your own encode and share it here? i think this is fair enough.