By the way, would you be so kind and use a different torrent client than BitComet for your future projects? BitComet creates as much junk files as normal files in a torrent. Even if you download your releases with BitComet, the size differ between BitComet and HDD. Finally yet importantly, everyone considered BitComet as not reliable. Therefore, I recommend qBittorrent, or other clients to create torrent files.
Comments - 3
Many thanks for your release.
By the way, would you be so kind and use a different torrent client than BitComet for your future projects? BitComet creates as much junk files as normal files in a torrent. Even if you download your releases with BitComet, the size differ between BitComet and HDD. Finally yet importantly, everyone considered BitComet as not reliable. Therefore, I recommend qBittorrent, or other clients to create torrent files.
SAIO (uploader)
Thank you for your message. I know BitComet is not very reliable, and I might try other ways in the future