A translator’s nightmare. Myne (originally Japanese) “autotranslates” everything to the new isekai language, which has no honorifics, Myne’s perspective is the one that adds them. And every single name is a case of a western isekai name translated to Japanese (by Myne), then to english.
No matter what name you use, people will complain.
Ya know, when there’s a confusion regarding what name to use, just use whatever the author did and not what you think is correct. After all, it’s them who actually wrote the LN and designed the characters, not you.
The Japanese name is spelled Main, but Japanese pronunciation isn’t the same as english. It’s pronounced as “Mine” with an emphasis on the “i”, which is why the english name is written as Myne. Seriously, don’t try to assume what’s the correct name unless you speak Japanese and know how translation works. Just use the official English name whenever possible, it’s an Japanese > English translation after all, not Japanese > Japanglish (If you insist on doing that, don’t put this in the English translated category)
i don’t understand the problem here. it’s not like the OP was hiding it. just the opposite. he put it at the head of his post, before even the pictures. you didn’t even need to scroll down to read it.
heck, you didn’t even have to DOWNLOAD it to find out, unlike some other subbers.
if you don’t like the change, don’t download it. go for a different one. pretty simple.
or just make one yourself ;p
The crunchyroll relase gets the name wrong. Her official name from both the Japanese author and the English LIght novel tranlsations is Myne. It’s spelt Main in japanese but pronounced Mine and written as Myne in the actual universe. So the author instructed the translator of the novel to use Myne. That’s why in the official Japanese fanbooks when you see the English spelling of her name, it’s Myne. There is no debate here. Crunchyroll and everyone else got it wrong. he author never changed Myne’s name. There was just never a change for Mizaki-sensei to write it out in English until the light novel was licensed for English release. End of debate,
Comments - 20
How dare you
Roman-sama (uploader)
The LN author uses Myne, checkmate ;)
even officially: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMsRQtmU8AAiE85.jpg
Since it’s Japanese Main is pronounced like Myne so it can confuse people, but her actual name is Main.
A translator’s nightmare. Myne (originally Japanese) “autotranslates” everything to the new isekai language, which has no honorifics, Myne’s perspective is the one that adds them. And every single name is a case of a western isekai name translated to Japanese (by Myne), then to english.
No matter what name you use, people will complain.
Roman-sama (uploader)
The author had to change it because the English translator was worried about readers getting confused.
I decided to use her original name. That’s all.
Wouldn’t the original be Maïne/Maïn (with diacritics)? as it’s a german name? iirc, this is what the translator feared people would be confused over
found the post where he told us why Maïne wouldnt work: https://forums.j-novel.club/post/35106
>added romaji
>added honorifics
>messed up all the names
best release i’ve seen in a while tbh
oh wait you’re the same genius who made that awful nisekou upload
Just use マイン, problem solved
Ya know, when there’s a confusion regarding what name to use, just use whatever the author did and not what you think is correct. After all, it’s them who actually wrote the LN and designed the characters, not you.
neither マイン nor アメリカ again, please
Roman-sama (uploader)
Well this is what they use in the anime itself.
The Japanese name is spelled Main, but Japanese pronunciation isn’t the same as english. It’s pronounced as “Mine” with an emphasis on the “i”, which is why the english name is written as Myne. Seriously, don’t try to assume what’s the correct name unless you speak Japanese and know how translation works. Just use the official English name whenever possible, it’s an Japanese > English translation after all, not Japanese > Japanglish (If you insist on doing that, don’t put this in the English translated category)
Roman-sama (uploader)
I don’t care what the official English translator uses. If people want that, they can just watch with Crunchyroll sub.
and yall tried to bash my half-baked release, smh
This is all wrong. Myne’s name is spelt “Myne” according to the author. The author specifically said it is NOT spelt “Main”.
i don’t understand the problem here. it’s not like the OP was hiding it. just the opposite. he put it at the head of his post, before even the pictures. you didn’t even need to scroll down to read it.
heck, you didn’t even have to DOWNLOAD it to find out, unlike some other subbers.
if you don’t like the change, don’t download it. go for a different one. pretty simple.
or just make one yourself ;p
You going to be doing S2 of this as well?
The crunchyroll relase gets the name wrong. Her official name from both the Japanese author and the English LIght novel tranlsations is Myne. It’s spelt Main in japanese but pronounced Mine and written as Myne in the actual universe. So the author instructed the translator of the novel to use Myne. That’s why in the official Japanese fanbooks when you see the English spelling of her name, it’s Myne. There is no debate here. Crunchyroll and everyone else got it wrong. he author never changed Myne’s name. There was just never a change for Mizaki-sensei to write it out in English until the light novel was licensed for English release. End of debate,