[Orphan] Twinkle Nora Rock Me! v2 (LD)

2020-07-05 16:50
File size:
525.6 MiB
Info hash:

Here’s exactly what the world does not need at this critical juncture, a new version of the wretched 1985 sci-fi OVA Twinkle Nora Rock Me! The original release was based on a damaged source and cut out before the end of the ending song. This release uses a different laserdisc source and was ripped with the Domesday Duplicator. Our Intrepid Media Maven™ did yeoman’s work to extract a workable encode from the disc, which was badly rotted, but the audio track couldn’t be salvaged. The audio for this release is a Franken-track that splices the bumper and ending song from the new source onto the original audio track.

Still, all the video and audio work in the world can’t disguise the silly plot and abominable animation:


Anyway, here is Twinkle Nora Rock Me!, complete at last. For more details, see this blog entry. This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.

File list

  • [Orphan] Twinkle Nora Rock Me! v2 (LD) [70B6B570].mkv (525.6 MiB)

Not the anime we need, but maybe the anime we deserve.



I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I might have to re-watch this now.

Never seen this, but I’ll do it soon.


Truly preserving Anime’s greatest history for all time.

Now where are the guys that slaps 60fps to every anime in existence? They’re pretty much needed in this case.

It’s the magnum opus of anime. It’s the anime of anime’s. It’s beauty incarnate.

@NeoTechni You forgot that sweat dripping dancing animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2R7t2SUo3w

thank you, nora is awesome, a BD for this would be godly

Another rare works!!!