[argo] ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! - 11 [1080p] [ED122CFC].mkv

2020-06-23 22:18
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671.4 MiB
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Topical for this episode to use songs I’d just designated fonts for. Again, I’ve been tinkering with lyrics as I go along to make them sound better. Once I have the English lyrics down, I’d like to go back and add kana.

These are the kinds of things I have to fix. Hint: no one calls these leeks.

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Video: FumeiRaws
TL: Muse Asia
Editing and typesetting: Me, aka flappa or [argo]


  • The CRC32 value has been added for quality control purposes.
  • GYROAXIA’s OP and ED are hard on the eyes. Harsher (on the eyes) graphics pair with gentler, more readable fonts, so stylizing options were limited. For GYROAXIA’s ED, words in red are related to lies and deception (masquerade, deceit, liar, etc.). There is a lyric I added in, “You’re the masquerade”, that I don’t see elsewhere, but that I heard going by ear.
  • Cooking scene subs were heavily edited to make sense. There’s the whole calling an onion a leek, then saying to fry the curry powder, cinnamon powder, and flour first, when the frame shows there is no oil in the pan (therefore, they cannot be fried). They also don’t mention what to do afterwards with the flour and spices at all.
  • Rio says “consomme”, but that is a loanword for instant stock cubes. Since there’s a very big difference between the Japanese loanword and its actual meaning, I felt keeping it in the subs would’ve been misleading. And no, it would’ve been unrealistic for da bois to have real consomme on hand.
  • The interview with Fantome Iris can get a bit messy because everyone’s talking over each other. I’ve done my best to clearly color-code different characters. Because Felix’s hair color is too similar to Banri and Yuto’s assigned colors, I used a color halfway between his eyes and guyliner instead.
  • I used a placeholder for Satozuka’s texts with Wataru to clarify the topic. Yes, it’s ugly. Going back and typesetting important signs is on the wishlist.

File list

  • [argo] ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! - 11 [1080p] [ED122CFC].mkv (671.4 MiB)

i hope youre doing bang dream series soon