[DVDISO] The Rising of the Shield Hero / Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari 盾の勇者の成り上がり Complete [US]

2020-06-21 21:48 UTC
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File size:
30.4 GiB
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![Shield Bro](http://www.dynamic-designs.us/temp/shieldbro.jpg "Shield Bro") [DVDISO] The Rising of the Shield Hero / Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari 盾の勇者の成り上がり Complete [US] Video: AVC 1080p audio: English AC3 5.1 Channel / Japanese AC3 2.0 Channel Subs: English (no op/ed songs) Geeky university student Naofumi Iwatani goes from second-class citizen to second-class hero when he’s summoned to the videogame-like kingdom of Melromarc. Known as the weakest of four heroes, the Shield Hero, he’s tasked with defending the world from calamity. But when Naofumi ends up betrayed and belittled from the start, will this hero-turned-cynic still be willing to fight? Special thanks to Lupin the Nerd for providing and allowing me to post this.

File list

  • [DVDISO] The Rising of the Shield Hero
    • Part 1
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P1_D1.ISO (7.7 GiB)
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P1_D1.MDS (8.2 KiB)
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P1_D2.ISO (7.5 GiB)
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P1_D2.MDS (8.2 KiB)
    • Part 2
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P2_D1.ISO (7.6 GiB)
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P2_D1.MDS (8.2 KiB)
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P2_D2.ISO (7.6 GiB)
      • Rising_Shield_Hero_S1P2_D2.MDS (8.2 KiB)
I don't want to be sound rude but you have already released bdmv which i am thankful. Don't post dvdiso as such they will be just waste of bandwidth for you and storage. Again thanks for your releases. I know that i can only seed your releases to 10 ratio :). Even this one will be.

taskforce (uploader)

Sorry if this is snippy, but I'm sick of this same message on every DVD post. We decide when its time to stop uploading DVD's, not anyone in these comments. Nobody has to download them if they don't want them. I'll say it one more time, I personally and others have a use for them. If you don't, fine don't download them, but stop telling us not to post them people. The world doesn't revolve around your wants and needs only. Also, a final note, they're on a seedbox which is separate for DVD's only so they'll be seeded for a while if any seedboxes don't want them. Feel free to not get them.
@_Edge_ You aren't real bright are you? There's still demand on these https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=DVDISO so keep your ego out of here as you're essentially saying to these guys who grab them to f off. Ignore the DVDISO as you do with the other torrents that are of no interest to you like I've done with your torrents.
@taskforce Thank you for the upload/share.. I appreciate your Anime shares and I would say a lot of other users here would say the same too
i would like to see more DVD for you so please don't stop share this goodies
May I ask what's the use of DVD releases? Genuinely curious.
@ doomedfreak I play them on my smartphone in the bus on my way to work..

taskforce (uploader)

doomedfreak: I'm going to answer this nicely in case you're serious, but I've also stated this before as well. Most cars have DVD players inside, not bluray players. So that is just one example. Do you see many portable bluray players? Not often and not cheap, but portable DVD players, yep. And then there are people that don't have bluray players. HD isn't everything to everyone. So yeah, they're plenty useful. Lets talk caps. Many people don't have unlimited data. 20-40GB is a lot easier on a cap than 70-140GB. There are other reasons as well, but I think that is good enough.
i have 8.9 inch screen with 1gb RAM why i would go with upscaled 1080p for this?
> I don’t want to be sound rude but you have already released bdmv which i am thankful. Don’t post dvdiso as such they will be just waste of bandwidth for you and storage. Again thanks for your releases. I know that i can only seed your releases to 10 ratio :). Even this one will be. Edge goes dumb mode brrrr...

taskforce (uploader)

I should make something clear, too, I'm grateful to all seeders. Thanks to those who seed.
This great for those who don't have the inclination or speed to download bdmvs.
I am sorry @taskforce Meanwhile my seedbox goess brrr brr full speed

taskforce (uploader)

Sorry, I was so testy, but Lupin and I have had a similar type comment come up on quite a few recent DVD posts. It just gets aggrivating.
Just be aware of one thing, not all these sets are dvd/bd combos anymore and as time passes they will eventually phase them out when some of the longer shows finish up that have DVD only releases in Japan. And yes it is still a thing over there for bonus disc in manga and novels and other media like special events.
I understand now, makes sense. Thanks @Nokou @taskforce @Aryma.
@\_Edge\_ They’re not wasting *your* bandwidth and storage, so who cares? The title clearly says DVDISO, not BDMV. @taskforce @Lupin the Nerd Thanks for the continued upload of DVDs. I’m mainly in it for the full package experience - especially the interactive menus. BD are great for archival purposes, so thanks for those too. If it’s a show I enjoyed, but not a personal favorite, I just get the DVDs. :)
> Sorry, I was so testy, but Lupin and I have had a similar type comment come up on quite a few recent DVD posts. It just gets aggrivating. it alright ;D. i was wrong here
@ Nokou Dude, how do you play DVD/BD ISO on your phone?

taskforce (uploader)

Impakt: I can't say how he does it, but Kodi will play them just fine (Even with menus on most bluray), I bet VLC will too but I haven't tried.
Awesome. Problem solved. I did try with MX Player Pro, but it only plays the menu.
@ _Edge_ fk you¡¡¡¡ first of all if you don't like dvds because you are here clearly says dvdiso as they say above is your ego and nothing else we will always thank taskforce for uploading dvds personally I burn them on a physical disk
@taskforce thanks thousand don't listen to those morons and keep uploading more material on purpose do you have an interview like demigirls over there?


@taskforce can you reseed Tenjou Tenge BD please? https://nyaa.si/view/1054048
You are a hero man. Thank you very much sir. Thanks a lot.