#### WEB-DL from FUNimation (Japanese Stream which doesn't have baked in signs)
#### CC for Episode 23: [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UYuFvpcjy4f_GyWISHe3j5otblPVlKV_/view?usp=sharing)
#### Muxing error, the "Closed Captions" in the track list of 23 is just a duplicate of signs. So get proper CC file from link above.
### Subtitle Tracks List
Track 1 (Default): Signs (SSA) — Extracted from Crunchyroll Subtitles
Track 2: Closed Captions (SSA) — From FUNimation, Added in Signs from CR, Added my own styling.
Track 2: Crunchyroll Subtitles (SSA) — Crunchyroll Subs, Added my own styling.
Track 4: FUNI Subtitles (SRT) — FUNimation Subs (Same as CR I believe, just SRT format, no typesetting. Included for anyone trying to watch on something that doesn't support SSA.)
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