[ToishY] Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1 & 2 - I'll Be Here (BD 1920x1080 AAC)

2020-06-13 15:12
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File size:
9.2 GiB
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Forgot this was still laying around somewhere.

Restyled subtitles of kuchikirukia’s release. Original subs UTW and Mori resp. Mirai-hen AVC, Kako-hen HEVC.


  • Kako-hen:
    – UTW subs general retimed (kuchikirukia had +0.02s, which led to bleeding)
    – Slight changes to UTW song styling and signs

  • Mirai-hen:
    – Restyled to look like UTW dialogue
    – Updated signs

Suggest to take this in combination with CyC’s release, so you’ll have consistent dialogue styling for the entire show.

Still got edited Bakemonogatari release laying around for a couple of months now, no commiememesubs (herkz pls don’t hate for mistakin ANE for commie), but edited CG, so idk if someone is interested in that. Probably release it anyway when I’m done with redoing Nise as well. Think I’ll finish edits for Planetes, Mushishi and Shiki first tho.

File list

You planning on doing Chikai no Finale?

Still got edited Bakemonogatari release laying around for a couple of months now, no commiememesubs, but edited CG, so idk if someone is interested in that.

i’d be pretty impressed if you had subs for bake since we never did it

ToishY (uploader)


i’d be pretty impressed if you had subs for bake since we never did it

ah well my humble apologies, ANE then. Still holds for every other monogatari release tho.

ToishY (uploader)



Well it would’ve been a maybe, but there doesn’t really seem promosing translations after a quick search here on nyaa, so that’s a no for now.

There’re gonna be new Bake releases based on the Vertical’s novel tranlastions in a few months, probably.

there’s already like 4 bad translations for bake so i guess you can’t make it worse by adding another

ToishY (uploader)


there’s already like 4 bad translations for bake so i guess you can’t make it worse by adding another

Purely out of interest @herkz, are you a native japanese speaker yourself, are you regularly speaking with a native speaker, do you study and/or have a degree in a field related to japanese, or did you even go to japan? Cuz when you’re just spouting opinions about “bad” translations without me/anyone knowing if you yourself have any real-life experience, it’s hard to believe anything you say.

@ToishY Don’t engage the human meme. Anyway, I was trying to say don’t spend time patching up the old subs when there’ll be the new ones, with better TS and stuff.

lol that’s not my personal judgement. there are numerous reviews of the subs for bake and everyone basically agrees they’re trash.

Thanks for the movies!!!

ToishY (uploader)


@Noem-light Thanks for the info. I’ll just wait a couple of months then and do some other projects in the meantime.

toishy herkz is a tsundere

The subs aren’t piss yellow. Thank you.