Here’s the second OVA series. While the TV show and EX were pretty good, DX is, in my opinion, excellent. Be warned that you need some knowledge of old anime and video games to get all the jokes though.
We’re back in the fantasy world, and Lamune and Da Cider have a new mission: find and rescue a pair of beautiful, almost naked, young women, while trying to keep Milk and Leska from finding out about it. Guess how that turns out for them.
Another DVD remux. Subs from Cruncyroll.
Question: Where the hell does this fit in the time line?
Comments - 3
DmonHiro (uploader)
This torrent not having any comments made me sad, so I’m commenting on it. Though commenting on your own torrent is also sad.
thanks man … your work appreciated :)
Commenting on your own torrent for the sake of comments lmao.