Out of all the existing file versions currently available on the internet,these should produce the clearest image for this anime overall.
( I tested the image of around 30 or so other file versions for each season of this anime,and 5-10 for each OVA )
Reason for upload ?
The original encode had no subtitles
So I added the best subs I could find,with good op/ed trans, ( edited commie subs )
Also added the clearest OVA’s available and added the best subs I could find to the OVA’s.
Language : Japanese.
Subs : English.
Audio : FLAC 48000 Hz stereo
Video : 1080p h264
Enjoy,and please seed for as long as you can if you like the batch.
Screenshots :
Comments - 9
thanks, screenshots look like hot garbage
where is season 1 and my comment?
dark21 (uploader)
Season 1 is always on this first page/folder of most seeds and on mine too, in this case “Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru” is the first season and in the Season 2 folder is of course the second season which for this anime its named “Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru Zoku” , with ZOKU at the end.
there should be 26 episodes but there isnt…
@Odoakr are you blind
There are 13ep +1ova for both the season
Because of the namings the episodes are not in alphabetical order
@dark21 plz name the eps in the futures"#01, #02, #03" instead of “#1, #2, #3” so these ppl don’t get confused
And great work man keep it up !!
Can anyone seed this it is stuck at 7%
Thanks its started again
If possible this too
it’s not that good tbh, wayyy overfiltered. watchable but i’d rather just get this one https://nyaa.si/view/1147221 (no OVA though).
Can someone give a link for just the subs from commie?
GJ Dark.