[HorribleSubs] Tower of God - 10 [1080p].mkv

2020-06-03 14:35 UTC
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1.4 GiB
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  • [HorribleSubs] Tower of God - 10 [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
One request for you guys who come here - Plz call that inspiration man as' rOwAn' from now on. This is the gonna be the way of typing his name now. Lol.
why is this gook shit so watchable ...
i regret starting a trend for bullying "rOwAn-chan" every episode
Hey the best anime in history of mankind, finally I can be happy again, unless someone complains about the art or about crunchyroll. Then my day will be ruined.
I'd shed a single tear for the lost Shibisu-Serena ship, but I can't stop grinning at party Hatz. Final arc of the season starts next. I'm hyped. Also, they're really rocking this adaptation IMO...there have been a few times I liked it better than the webtoon.
tfw I am living rent-free in your heads and I don't even go out of my way to know or care to remember who you people are is pretty satisfying, desu. I mean, not that I meant to live there, but everything I said about the show is true and evidenced by those who have the ability to self-think and feel, but thanks regardless. The only shame is that how short this season will be I will eventually fade out of your thoughts in another month or two, but the silver lining is that I'll always be there whenever you read or watch this garbage, or think of it, or when they release season 2. You will always remember me, whereas I, much like your own family and those people you call your friends, will forget about you. Now I'm going to go make a BLT and eat the fuck out of it, enjoy this trash.
Bro you really think anybody thinks about you outside of coming here to download the latest episode? lmao you're just another troll that nobody cares about and everyone makes fun of
i love you rowan-chan. please don't commit sudoku see you next episode
^omg i agree don't commit _sūji wa dokushin ni kagiru_
don't feed the troll
ffanimu if we don't feed it, Who Will?
^ _God shall feed the famished._
rOwAn sir... We also remember 'boku no pico' but it does not mean that we do so for good reasons. Rest you can correlate...
@Epiphanes Just like a cheap reality show, guilty pleasure.
#1253771 I see what you did there