[DmonHiro] Conception (BD, 720p)

2020-05-25 12:00 UTC
File size:
3.9 GiB
Info hash:
![image](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-E7YNRQZH95o/XsuzhO8pNcI/AAAAAAAACJ4/VM2_K2Uu1ug3pkLs5VUF1y571jKudqupgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/05%2B-%2BI%2527ve%2BGot%2BSo%2BMany%2BKids.mkv_snapshot_02.50.597.png) Hey, buddy? How'd you like to be isekai'd into a fantasy world where you have to defeat an evil entity by romancing 12 maidens who give you power by having your babies all the while being helped by an extremely horny tanuki while your cousin, who's also one of the maidens, tries to keep you to herself? So yeah, Itsuki gets summoned as the hero of a world, needs to date 12 maidens, including your cousin. Does this sound like a lewd fest? Well, it's not. It's not actual babies that you need, it's STAR babies. Basically small summons that the maidens can create if they have enough affection for you. This show is not an ecchi show, it's more of a gentle slice-of-life comedy with some fighting in it. It's amusing, but don't expect too much. Mana's the best girl though. That is not debatable. This was made from the R1 BDs so it includes both soft subs and pgs subs. https://anidb.net/anime/14068

File list

  • [DmonHiro] Conception (BD, 720p)
    • 01 - My Child!!.ass (32.0 KiB)
    • 01 - My Child!!.mkv (239.8 MiB)
    • 02 - I Want You To Have My Child.ass (38.8 KiB)
    • 02 - I Want You To Have My Child.mkv (361.9 MiB)
    • 03 - Would You Try Having My Child!.ass (41.1 KiB)
    • 03 - Would You Try Having My Child!.mkv (321.2 MiB)
    • 04 - Please Have My Child!.ass (41.4 KiB)
    • 04 - Please Have My Child!.mkv (304.7 MiB)
    • 05 - I've Got So Many Kids.ass (39.2 KiB)
    • 05 - I've Got So Many Kids.mkv (334.8 MiB)
    • 06 - Will You Have My Child, Bleh Bleh!.ass (37.2 KiB)
    • 06 - Will You Have My Child, Bleh Bleh!.mkv (356.9 MiB)
    • 07 - Please Be My Chikuwa!.ass (44.1 KiB)
    • 07 - Please Be My Chikuwa!.mkv (282.8 MiB)
    • 08 - My Child, Welcome!.ass (37.8 KiB)
    • 08 - My Child, Welcome!.mkv (379.5 MiB)
    • 09 - Let's Try Giving Birth, Together!!.ass (39.2 KiB)
    • 09 - Let's Try Giving Birth, Together!!.mkv (392.1 MiB)
    • 10 - My Children, Thirteen Of Them!!.ass (35.4 KiB)
    • 10 - My Children, Thirteen Of Them!!.mkv (357.3 MiB)
    • 11 - Are You Going To Tell Me That You Want Me To Have Your Child!.ass (36.4 KiB)
    • 11 - Are You Going To Tell Me That You Want Me To Have Your Child!.mkv (342.7 MiB)
    • 12 - Give Birth To My Child!.ass (34.6 KiB)
    • 12 - Give Birth To My Child!.mkv (297.8 MiB)
>I Want You To Have My Child.ass Is it weird that I am laughing *explicitly* at this !?
You're not alone @nabiru3. *Dies inside*
> 12 - Give Birth To My Child!.ass
> Please Have My Child!.ass This filename gives off pedo vibes.
Not just that, this whole thing stinks with pedo vibes I tell ye, I am legitimately concerned to keep those files in my local hard drive. You see what happens when you use external subs !!
>this whole thing stinks with pedo vibes Now I'm interested
Legality goes Brrrrrrrrr. I want myself some child ass.
Is the BD version uncensored?
Its USBD censored, JPBD vol available
I want myself some fat child .ass
Thanks for the upload. Man this show has some horrible reviews. Going to have to check it out for myself maybe it will be one of those "it's so bad it's good" types.
missing 9.5 We had nice night.ass since ep 10 is 13 kids WoW! Thank you, filenames are working fine ^^
Conception is great story. The best anime of whole century. Only if there was moozzie2 version.
ahh i thought you already retired?
@Jyoti Both the japanese bd and english bd are the same lvl of censorship. https://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/2904
@freaky but both of the screenshots are from the USBD...? I wouldn't doubt that the JPBD is censored, but considering that the last volume was released 1 year ago in Japan(and no one uploaded it as far as I know), and that LowPower released their encode after the USBD was uploaded it's hard to think that it would be based on the JPBD.

DmonHiro (uploader)

You right, but I highly doubt that the JPBDs are uncensored. Because they would have advertised that, and someone would have posted screens. I wish there were, but I doubt it very much.
So the teddy bear icons that are blocking the best parts are still present in the BD? le sigh... Oh well, thanks for the info guys and welcome back, DmonHiro!

DmonHiro (uploader)

Excuse you, those a tanuki icons.
It's fucking laughable how the USBDs get released before Japans. Censored or not, USBDs are shit. (Some people like shit, I guess, so to each their own.)
@futagen feel free to pay $200+ for the complete JPBDs and upload it here. The US ones are cheaper, that's likely the reason why they got bought and uploaded over the Japanese ones. I don't know how the JPBDs look, but while the USBD do look really bad, it still better than the Web version.
The JPBD are censored also. No one uploaded uncensored images anywhere in fanservice sites
> Some people like shit, I guess, so to each their own Aren't you the same guy who said using honorifics in English subs is a good idea? Re: Sakura quest by [-__-'] USBDs are usually bad tho, I agree. But there's exceptions to that too.
Time for some Conception!


@freaky I think that LowPower's encode is also fro USBD.

DmonHiro (uploader)

It is. There are no sources from the JP BD, and even those are censored.