Azur Lane: an unlikely alliance between the four major naval powers of the world, made to fight off the alien forces called the Sirens. But once the Sirens were defeated, a rift formed in the alliance. Now, they battle between themselves to have supremacy of the seas. But are the Sirens really defeated? Oh, and they fight with ship-girls.
Based on the Chinese game, this anime has anthropomorphised ships fighting. And they are all cute/hot anime girls. What’s not to love? In all seriousness, the story is a bit of a mess, with it switching from slice-of-life with Javelin, Laffey and (sometimes) Unicorn goofing off and trying to bring Ayanami to their side, to war-is-hell with Enterprise fighting off Sakura Empire while dealing with PTSD. The animation is sometimes lackluster. But we get uncensored boobies in episode 6, so that’s a win.
Subtitles from AnimeFreak.
PS: Yeah… I just can’t stay away. I said I was retiring for good. I wanted to retire for good. I guess I’m like those abuse victims that always go back to the abuser. Why the hell do I even miss uploading stuff anyway? There’s literally nothing in it for me. There is definitely something wrong with my brain. Oh well… you guys should start taking bets for when I “retire forever” again. No, I don’t just “retire” and come back for the attention. I’m just f-ing nuts, apparently.
Comments - 41
welcome back bro
Unironically, get help if you can’t find yourself staying away.
Welcome back
DmonHiro (uploader)
But I want to have 666 torrents.
Thanks and welcome back!
23 more torrents to your 666 goal
That seems like some sort of addiction, and as a psychiatrist, I really advise you to seek medical help !
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with BTUS (bad torrent uploading syndrome) you may to be entitled to financial compensation.
DmonHiro (uploader)
I’m really hoping people aren’t reading too much into this. I’m just bored, since I have nothing to do at work anymore since the virus hit. I’m don’t ACTUALLY miss uploading.
Stockholm Syndrome
Thanks. I hope you included fonts for this one.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Actually, since I don’t need them, I forgot. My bad, it’s been a while. Though this does raise a question: why don’t people just install the fonts?
Thank you:)
thank you!
Welcome back
Don’t listen to anyone who says to get help, insanity isn’t so bad once you accept it as a natural part of the human condition.
Oh and welcome back, your uploads have definitely been missed. by the rest of the asylum. ;)
DmonHiro (uploader)
You know what they say: The best place to hide is insanity.
lmao that human trash who steals encodes is back
We never did get the last two episodes of this series dubbed, did we?
Love you’re back! Wanna see more of your encodes in the future
PS: Can you seed Cleanliness Boy Aoyama-kun, please?
DmonHiro (uploader)
No, they never dubbed them. Then again, it took three months for those episodes to come out. They came out at the end of March, and by then… well… you know…
Yeah, sure, I can seed Aoyama.
thank you, thank you :D
I didn’t even know you were retiring O_O
Same with Koten_Gars.
Well, I hope you guys enjoy the stay!
I appreciate your Pani Pon Dash share which is still one of a rare work I have ever seen.
Anime/Manga/Artbooks/Games is just too good to be let go just like that :P
DmonHiro (uploader)
^ Good one ^
Some groups resurrect on unexpected times, so it’s not surprising if you do the same DmonHiro. Thanks for the ship loods :)
DmonHiro (uploader)
Look forward to about 30-40 releases, I guess.
All this time off, and you still can’t make proper BD rips with internal softsubs?
Anyway, Better BD version here:
DmonHiro (uploader)
Awww, I missed you too Dias_Flac.
Imagine if I actually installed all those fabulous fonts anime groups use, my machine would be so gay that my steelseries keyboard would be a rainbow !
ayy glad to see you back
Thanks for the headsup @Dias_Flac
DmonHiro the madlad goes to the link @Dias posted and comments on it.
DmonHiro you have some toxic fandom ))
Thank you and +1 in regards to the fonts.
DmonHiro, do you by any chance have the BD for Aquarion Logos? Just thought I’d ask because it’s the top anime in my wishlist and it’s been 5 years since its release, but no one has uploaded it yet.
DmonHiro (uploader)
I wasn’t planning on doing Aquarion Logos… but OK, I’ll do it. It’ll be a while though.
^ Really?! That would be awesome!! :D Mecha/harem anime don’t seem to get any love nowadays :(
@DmonHiro, if I installed every font I’ve come across watching fansubs and my own video editing stuff, my laptop would probably flat out refuse to boot up. It’s always better to embed fonts, and barely takes 5 minutes anyway.
DmonHiro (uploader)
You’re not wrong. And I usually do it. But I forgot this time. For the record, I have 3979 fonts installed and no problem booting up.
PS: Guess my next, next upload will be Aquarion Logos, cause some random dude on the internet asked for it. Why the hell not, I was going to upgrade my HDTV version anyway.
Thank you for sharing your encodes.