JPBD Encode by [LowPower-Raws]( "LowPower-Raws Release on Nyaa"), Some-Stuff Subs synced by [Lune]( "Lune's Release on Nyaa")
(Note: [Sp4rkSt0rm's Release]( "Sp4rkSt0rm's Release on Nyaa") is utilized. Not LowPower-Raws/Lune.)
English Audio from KaiDubs (Adult Swim), Synced by FlyingFree
Thanks to FlyingFree for sharing this with KaiDubs, to share with all of you.

## Subtitle Track List
Subtitles 1 (Default): Songs & Signs – Made from Some-Stuffs Subtitles
Subtitles 2: Subtitles (Some-Stuffs) – As-is from Lune's releases (Although, I made an edit for Episode 5. I happened to stumble upon, Some-Stuffs jotted down "fifteen" in one line but it's actually "fifty". Dub says 50, as does CR Subs and the Manga. So fixed to avoid confusion/for accuracy.)
Subtitles 3: Subtitles (Some-Stuffs, Manga Edit) – Edit by Sp4rkSt0rm found [here]( "Sp4rkSt0rm's Release on Nyaa")
*Note: I noticed not every single episode had the subtitles edited. So I compared the files for each episode and only included where there were actually changes made by Sp4rkSt0rm. In this batch, that's Episodes 1,2 15 and 20-21. 3-14, 16-19, 22-26 had no changes and thus these episodes only have the one subtitle track.
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