[NS-HAV1E] Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight 01 - 12 + OVA1+2+3 [BD 1080p][AV1][OPUS]

2020-05-16 23:01 UTC
File size:
2.6 GiB
Info hash:
## Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight #### not so horrible av1 encodes i found the styling done by chyuu-pas/acss/ripple pretty distracting so i restyled and repositioned most(all?) of the insert songs i ended up spending more time on the subtitles than on the encoding | | | | - | - | | Video | av1 (libaom) 1920x1080 yuv420p10le - cq-level 18 cpu-used 3 | | Audio | opus (libopus) stereo, flt (24 bit), vbr @ 192 kb/s | | Subtitles | ASS - Ripple/Chyuu-PAS + restyle | (av1) aomenc version 1.0.0-errata1-avif-885-g18ce7a0a0 (opus) ffmpeg version git-2020-05-01-39fb1e9 #### For those with issues playing: AV1 is relatively new and still has performance issues. Make sure your decoder is using the latest version of dav1d. [VLC 4.0 nightlies](https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc/nightly-win64/) [VLC 3.0 nightlies](https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc-3.0/nightly-win64/) [VLC Android nightlies](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android/pipelines) MPC-HC/MPC-BE: Follow instructions [here](https://grass.moe/av1#mpchc) [mpv](https://mpv.io/) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662576870642024459/711175712849002566/02.mkv_snapshot_22.01_2020.05.16_04.09.57.png) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662576870642024459/711175724199051284/02.webm_snapshot_19.00_2020.05.15_05.02.43.png) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662576870642024459/711175729500389386/06.mkv_snapshot_21.36_2020.05.16_04.16.25.png) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662576870642024459/711362535865188412/Shoujo_KagekiRevue_Starlight_-_08.mkv_snapshot_18.33_2020.05.16_16.40.15.png) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiNpmFnuIn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiNpmFnuIn8)

File list

  • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight [NS-HAV1E][BD 1080p][AV1][OPUS]
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 01.mkv (260.7 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 02.mkv (227.8 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 03.mkv (218.8 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 04.mkv (216.6 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 05.mkv (204.9 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 06.mkv (223.6 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 07.mkv (167.1 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 08.mkv (229.6 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 09.mkv (181.1 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 10.mkv (215.0 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 11.mkv (183.0 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - 12.mkv (168.5 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - OVA 1.mkv (50.4 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - OVA 2.mkv (36.8 MiB)
    • Shoujo Kageki☆Revue Starlight - OVA 3.mkv (56.5 MiB)
Is it just me or is the video in this like laggy?
@YuushaNi AV1 is advanced codec, you need powerful PC to run videos with it (or latest PC). See other AV1 nyaa comments (or google it). You will understand issues and its benefits. It may take 2 years to fully adapt like HEVC I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can't even play it, just audio. Guess I'll wait for a diff release.
@Rinkawa and @YuushaNi, install the latest release of VLC Nightly for Windows64: https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc-3.0/nightly-win64/ And for mobile(Android) devices:https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc-android/nightly-arm64/ This should help out with playback significantly.
@OpusMaxE I have the latest version of VLC already
Use mpv then. Should work fine with that.
Is VLC nightly different than VLC? (The first one you see to download on windows)

wwwwwwww (uploader)

vlc nightlies are compiled with the latest version of dav1d (0.7.0 as of 2020-05-22)