This is 東方 Project 1 - 5 game soundtrack record from real PC-9821AP2 in April of 2010.
Please read below for more information.
Many western listen to .M file by silly emulate use program like FMPMD2000 or Hoot, or high terrible Anex86 sound play. Not to blame, as rare western has other facility for playback. Regardless, such poor quality is not acceptable.
Recording was made from frustration. As state, emulation is poor. Additional the 「幺樂団の歴史」 soundtrack of ZUN is remastered and track in wrong order (because personal preference of his). Falsified musical from remastering is not terrible as emulation, but only true result is from the real!
Process of using batch file loading PMD and call PMD player (pmp) in sequence. Then line out of PC-98 was fed into normal PC and Audacity record for seven hour. Trusty PC-98 did without a complain. (^^) Each of song allowed the double loop using interesting of DOS “choice” command to delay next statement in batch. Was more easy than digging out C compiler and using rusted C skill in DOS. (-_-)
NO POSTPROCESSING DONE ON SOUND! All is a real sound from PC-98. Even fadeout achieved using command of PMD player. A very tiny background hissing is from the PC-98 line out lacks shielding. That’s how it is. Since it is not result of poor recording, it remains. Anything other ex. digital filter removal would results only in falsification of the experience. (u_u) Finally, if you listen to music at normal level of volume, it will not create the inconvenience.
Curiosity: If you turn volume up VERY high, there is very, very faint tone you can hear at end of each track. This is noise from I/O from when the flopy load .M file of next music to play and wrote the metainformation of file to FILEINFO.DAT. This is can also hear when using a headphone on real PC-98, so again is not mistake by recording.
There are difference between emulate, ZUN remaster and my recording. Some are subtle, some bigger. I leave finding difference up as challenge to listener.
As little bonus, first track is caractaristic PI PO♪ (ぴぽっ) from boot (^^). Also include small C# batch file maker, Profesional Music Driver and player by KAJA. This allow to make your own copy of soundtrack if you dislike my. Finally, a picture of PC-98 to proof not a fake. Group of silly gullable western probaply think everything good is fake, so I try proof wrong with picture.
Did you know songs have the comment from ZUN? Check FILEINFO.DAT file if you can read Japanese. If you are not use Japanese Windows, dont forget to load file as Shift-JIS. Some commentary is interesting.
Please enjoy music a lot. It is very enjoyable and some pieces are very powerful to listen to. I hope you can more enjoy the music to a high level from this recording. I blieve this is how pieces were meant to be enjoy.
If you get a chance, try to play games on real PC-98. Is a strong difference from the emulation. As long as real system is used somewhere in the world, impossible that it fades from the mind.
Contact write Sorry for poor English. I appreciate if you will excuse. (^^;)
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