Iwanaga Kotoko became the god of wisdom to the supernatural beings and spends her days solving problems for them. However, the boy who she fell head over heels for, Sakuragawa Kuro, is someone that is feared by all supernatural creatures. The two of them face various mysterious incidents involving the supernatural in this love x romance x mystery series. Where will these fantastical incidents lead them and what will happen with Kotoko’s crush? less
Video: AVC 1080P
Audio: Japanese LPCM 2.0
Subtitles: None
Special Features: Clean Opening Animation and Clean Closing Animation
Series is dropped. You can thank the posters in the comments.
Now kindly P.O.
Total size: 11049568 sectors (21581 MBytes)
Video Blu-ray label: BD_VIDEO
Media is AACS protected!
AACS MKB version 70
Drive supports bus encryption!
Removed AACS copy protection!
Blu-ray disc is region free!
Removed UOPs!
Bad sector protection not found.
Comments - 28
wasn’t this already uploaded? ?
Lupin the Nerd (uploader)
And your comment matters to me because?
no need to assume it does
Lupin the Nerd (uploader)
No did not see it up. Checked anidb and only found one raw group had done rips.
herkz: I won’t say it wasn’t uploaded somewhere besides nyaa, but I’ve searched multiple ways and cannot find the bluray uploaded here on nyaa. Could you please provide a link to the full bluray (not a reencode of the bluray) on nyaa besides this one and we’ll discuss removing this rip. In the future, also please provide these links (only for stuff on nyaa not other places) so we can act immediately to remove the post if it is a double. Thank you. Sorry, not trying to pile on, just wanted to state providing a nyaa link would be much more helpful.
nah, i don’t think it’s here, but it is on other sites where people who would care about BDs are on. just didn’t know if it was worth the effort to upload here when it’s already on said sites. the person who uploaded it to those other sites said it can be uploaded here (just with credit), so i assume no one did since it’s not worth it.
Lupin the Nerd (uploader)
These are my own rips and can even provide the info from anydvd from the rips. I don’t care what other sites post but if do find a copy on here already from someone else will not post mine.
they are? it says “Self-purchase by Team WHM.” doesn’t sound like you. it also has scans/CD and a different folder structure (“BDROM” instead of “BD_VIDEO”).
Lupin the Nerd (uploader)
And like said, don’t give a shit what someone else does.
Just one final thing you should also know. Neither Lupin nor I have access to those sites as we’ve both let our accounts at most private torrent sites we’ve had in the past lapse from inactivity at this point for our own personal reasons. We could neither steal someone else post, nor (and probably far more importantly) would either of us know if/when something is posted elsewhere or frankly care. We would only know or care if we duplicated something on nyaa.
thanks a lot!!!
Herkz - nah, i don’t think it’s here
Poor choice of words buddy.
I’m always kinda sad when ppl upload that’s already available somewhat (even if not public), because the money could’ve been used to buy other BDs that aren’t anywhere (Haatage eg. :( )
But here it’s my fault, I’ll upload the future volumes here too if that means they won’t be purchased twice.
I’m always kinda sad when ppl don’t upload stuff already available on private trackers, because the money could’ve been used to buy other BDs that aren’t anywhere. Instead they choose to run their mouths.
Replace “upload” with “buying BDs” in my comment
Lupin the Nerd (uploader)
I plan on buying the rest of this for my personal collection regardless of what you people do here or elsewhere. Next time you should mind your own business people.
Also I deeply regret making a comment. It was in no way meant negatively if it came across as such. People sharing BDs have my biggest thanks and appreciation.
An appeal to all people: don’t question too much if a BD is already uploaded somewhere and just appreciate it that someone does that.
thanks!! Guys leave Lupin alone!! He will buy anything he wants with his money. Also we aren’t all in the close group of people who have accounts in private torrents
imagine caring about what people do with there money.
thx, Lupin the Nerd
2 chapters each disc or 3?
Lupin the Nerd (uploader)
3 episodes per disc.
imagine caring what people post on certain sites
thank you lupin, the more the merrier!
seed plz